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Do You Truly Desire Your Lover? The Johnsons have been married for a while. Too many quarrels riddled their marriage and they are at their wits’ end.

Bode and Sally who have been in a relationship for two years are also at a point where they want out. They feel they have exhausted all possibilities. 

Yesterday, I admonish us from a scripture:

Mat 8:5 (KJV) And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,

I explained that Jesus entered, Capernaum, and the centurion came unto him. Jesus entrance wasn’t enough to complete the cycle of an intervention, the centurion had to go to him.

REVIVE CONVERSATIONS now holds on ZOOM! Drop all relationship /marital questions, issues, and troubles ANONYMOUSLY, or just vent and pour your heart out. We will respond and judge the situation together by 9.00pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays) –

But I want to talk to singles and married this morning, that after Jesus entered, the centurion came, there is still one more thing to do.

Do You Truly Desire Your Lover?

The scripture says that the centurion came, BESEECHING Him!

One of the meaning of the root word is “Desire”

Do you really desire your partner?

Or is somebody distracting you out there and  messing up with the “desire juice’ meant for your partner?

Have you really beseeched the Lord about your relationship or marriage? 

NB: Singles and Couples’ Hubs Whatsapp Meeting is Weekly. Use the links below to join and participate

When last did you pray together? I mean together, not some isolated grumbling where you are asking God to judge your partner speedily! If possible, kill him joor!

Ha! Has it come to that?

Marriage is such a strong one flesh arrangement that any prayer you offer against your spouse is a prayer against yourself. 

Before you conclude, on separation or divorce, Have you allowed Jesus to enter? Have you gone to Jesus? Have you beseeched Him?

Do You Truly Desire Your Lover?

There is a price to pay for a blissful marriage. It is never automatic. 

There are things to do. Beseeching involves exploring all forms of communication, counseling, therapy, counsels and all.

Not that you are ready to drop your spouse like hot potatoes at the slightest provocation.

Go to the Lord with genuine desire for your relationship and marriage and beseech Him. 

I pray that God grants you more understanding!


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