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Couple Types: Vocal Husband, Quiet Wife 

Wow, this looks like Pastor Sophia and I. Interestingly, I used to be quiet growing up. I really don’t know what happened. Any idea?

In the next few days, we are going to be looking at this series on different types of couples.

We are starting with The Vocal Husband and The Quiet Wife.

I have said it over and over again, opposites will always attract. And then after the wedding, as you begin to live together, the very opposites that attracted you will now begin to repel you. 

And that is when the job really begins. I am usually amused at singles who say they know each other very well. It’s amusing. I have been married for twenty-four years and I can’t say I know my wife. You may as well go and ask couples who have been married for like forty years, they will tell you the same. This doesn’t mean your spouse is mysterious, it simply means there are different aspects that unfold every day. Several treasures are buried in your spouse that only find expression as time goes on.

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Back to our topic, the vocal husband uses conversation as a personal therapy, he enjoys it and is emotionally fulfilled just by talking. The downside is that he also wants to talk when he is angry, sometimes using heavy words that can cause emotional damage to his wife. When he is angry, he vents using words in other to feel okay. 

On the flip side, his wife who is on the receiving side, is likely not to enjoy such words when her husband is angry. Because she is a quiet wife, she is sensitive to words. Her therapeutic method is to be quiet and she can be fulfilled not talking. 

The husband hates this because he is talking and there are no commensurate responses. When the wife is angry, she easily withdraws into her cocoon, thereby frustrating her husband the more. The drama gets more intense!

What will the couple have to do from here?

I will continue this tomorrow!


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