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A Swift Reminder to Men Everywhere. A husband is the glue that holds the family together. Because the eyes are positioned in the head, he serves as the family’s leader and navigator.

Because everyone in the family can see through him, he cannot afford to have blurry vision.

He can’t afford to be devoid of vision. He cannot afford to have blurry vision.

Here are some things to keep in mind as the leader:

A Swift Reminder to Men Everywhere

1. Demonstrate good leadership.

The male household head has the most impact on the kids. Children of absent fathers who failed to set a good example of leadership are becoming a common sight in our prisons.

REVIVE CONVERSATIONS now holds on ZOOM! Drop all relationship /marital questions, issues, and troubles ANONYMOUSLY, or just vent and pour your heart out. We will respond and judge the situation together by 9.00pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays) –

The best leadership is Christ’s leadership, which must first be exemplified via a close relationship with God.

2. Daily emotional connection and expression

Women are sensitive individuals. They cannot be deprived of that.

The words “I love you” will never get old for a lady.

She wants to hear that every day, and the quicker you provide it to her, the better, to prevent someone else from doing so. That might start an emotional relationship.

Compromise is merely a chance away once an emotional bond has been created with an outsider.

Tell her every day how much you adore her and how sincere your words are.

Maintain an emotional connection with your children, particularly if you have a girl child.

A Swift Reminder to Men Everywhere

3. Maintain sincere and animated dialogues

Be eloquent without being violent.

Don’t let arguments and corrections become the only topics of conversation between you and your husband.

You’re not a professor; you’re a husband. Avoid lecturing and preaching. Love your communication.

While you converse with her, have fun. Play with her, enjoy yourself, and be jovial.

NB: Singles and Couples’ Hubs Whatsapp Meeting is Weekly. Use the links below to join and participate

Don’t take your spouse too seriously.

The Bible advises you to cherish the wife you had in your youth. 

Enjoy yourself and try not to lock up too frequently due to budgetary constraints or other problems.

To overcome despair and unwarranted concern, learn to give God your requests.

Your wife and children turn to you for guidance and leadership.

Be awake and active.

May God give us more knowledge.


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