Lasting Love: The Role of Your Thoughts
The problems or challenges you face in your marriage or relationship should not inform what your thought pattern is.
Rather you should choose your thoughts despite what you are going through.
The devil has gained entrance into many homes and relationships through their unwholesome thoughts.
What happens in mind, happens in time.
As a single, you cannot afford to fill your mind with thoughts of disappointment. Stop thinking your fiance will cheat on you. Stop thinking your fiancee is a fraud.
As a married woman or man stop thinking the worst of your spouse. Don’t believe the worst of him/her.
Your thoughts have a lot to do with what goes on in your relationship and marriage.
Proverbs 4:23 GNT
Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.
Your life, marriage, relationship, future is shaped by your thoughts
When God wanted to give Abraham multitudes as children, God brought him out to count and visualize the stars as his children.
God had to change what he was seeing and thinking.
You must find a way to keep visualizing good thoughts about your home, children, marriage, and relationship.
Once you are sure of God’s leading concerning the person you are engaged with, go ahead and be filled with thoughts of good and not evil.
Yes, you will have challenges but remain positive. Be joyful by having the right thoughts.
Philippians 4:8 GNT
In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.
Be disciplined in your thoughts. Keep up the good thoughts and the devil will have no inroad into your relationship or marriage.
Keep visualizing a good home, a good marriage, and a blissful relationship with your spouse. You understand each other. Being kind, being friends, taking care of one another. Being tenderhearted with one another
You have to first think about it, and embrace it. Think of yourself as being very rich. If you have a high earning power you will be valued and appreciated. So think good thoughts.
Don’t think about the problem, think of the solution
God bless your home.