Reading Time: 2 minutes

50 Ways To Love One Another. Pastor, what is this thing with 50 this, 50 that? Don’t mind me. It’s not easy to be 50, It can only be God. So bear with me on my idiosyncrasies in this season.

So our topic this morning is 50 Ways to love another, and this is for singles and married. I will write 25 today and conclude tomorrow.

Just before I go on, I want to appreciate you all for the calls, the messages, and the gifts on my birthday! God bless you massively. You will live long in Jesus’ name!

1. Love with sincerity. A major key in marriage.

2. Do all you can do to build trust. Broken trust breeds insecurities. 

3. Be creative in loving your loved one. Boredom can lead to exploring the forbidden.

4. Sex should be kept in the hood for singles while it should be on top of the table for couples. 

5. In Couples, the frequency of your intimacy in the bedroom shows how healthy the marriage is. 

6. Singles, love each other with prayers. Pray more than any other thing you will do in courtship 

7. Don’t stop the wooing process and the pursuit games. Continue that after the wedding and thank me later.

8. Singles, go after God with all your energy. God will be committed that you don’t get it wrong

9. God is committed till it is completed. So, don’t back out on God

10. Love is like a story, what type of character will you be?

11. Going to Cinemas is good, going for the supernatural should be pursued too.

12. Surprise each other every time. 

13. Don’t take each other for granted. Be sensitive to your needs.

14. You can’t bring selfishness into marriage. It won’t last

14. Seek to please each other after pleasing God and you will minimize offences.

15. Forgiveness is a decision. It has nothing to do with who is right or wrong

16. The most mature is the one that says sorry first 

17. The husband and wife actually get angry. One shows it, the other internalizes it. There is nothing like he doesn’t get angry. So apologize to one another.

18. In marriage, you are both right and wrong. It takes two to tango

19. Do not give sex to get love as singles. You never get the love, and he gets the sex.

20. Take everything to God in prayer rather than argue your eyes out.

21. Both of you have your weaknesses. One may show, while the other is subdued. But it is what it is

22. The devil hates you passionately. Don’t do Tik Tok on his terrain. Give him no space

23. Guys, you are her protector. Stop seeing her as a sex toy

24. Ladies, you are his helper, stop seeing him as ATM Machine

25. Read the Bible daily without fail. You will know how to love properly.

To be continued tomorrow.

Bible Reading
John 17

Lord, I love appropriately 


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