Reading Time: 2 minutes

3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want. Life is about change and adjustments. This devotional is not to spite men, but to call us to the responsibility God has given us as head of the home. It’s a huge responsibility.

If you fall into any category of men below, it’s time to change.

3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want

1. The night crawler
You are no longer single. You are now married, and that reality needs to settle.

Why would a husband keep late nights? It just doesn’t speak well. If your wife has not been cooperative, the best response is to seek counsel and a solution and not some form of late-night moves.

Keeping your wife awake when she should be sleeping due to needless late-night paroles is not a good idea.

There are some environments that would naturally encourage cheating on her, you should not be found in such places again.

For those single, understand that you really don’t change after the wedding. So all bad habits should be expunged as a single. 

2. The manipulator
Here, the man uses his money or any other thing to coerce the wife into obedience.

At the end of the day, what you get is not obedience but a bitter, hurt, offended, and wounded wife. And that can be dangerous under the same roof.

These are abnormal relationships between couples. What God ordained is a loving, healthy relationship that will provide an enabling environment for the children to be raised.

As singles in relationships, don’t introduce money and gifts as rewards or punishments. The relationship will become money-driven and true love will escape into the air.

3. The non-spiritual husband
Here, the man simply refuses to provide spiritual leadership for his wife and family.

He is evasive, full of excuses, and never puts God first place in their affairs.

He will never read his Bible. He will never pray.

The reality is that without a conscious and deliberate relationship with God, man will be incapacitated in providing any spiritual leadership.

Eyes are located in the head, so the man as the head of the house is supposed to give sight and vision to the family. The navigation system for the family and the compass lie with the man.

But the man can’t even see beyond his nose without God. His capacity for vision will be minimized.

For singles, ask a lot of questions and get to know properly who you are walking down the aisle with.

I will stop here this morning. These are the 3 Types of Men Women Don’t Want.

May your marriage be blessed.

I am wise 

Lord, help me to be a great husband  

1Pe 3:7 (GW)  Husbands, in a similar way, live with your wives with understanding since they are weaker than you are. Honor your wives as those who share God’s life-giving kindness so that nothing will interfere with your prayers.

Honour your wife 

Rev 18 – 19


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