Victory in No Uncertain Terms

Victory in No Uncertain Terms

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Most believers live as if they have already lost the victory, particularly when it comes to living above sin.

Many people are still bound by immorality, which explains why they constantly feel defeated.

But what is the reality? Well, the reality is that we are not defeated!

Let us dive into the scriptures.

Rom 6:14 (KJV) For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

This is unequivocally stated!

For sin shall not have dominion….

How more reassuring can it sound?

Let’s explore other translations.

Read the various versions to allow the revelations of victory over sin to sink in.

(AMPC)  For sin shall not [any longer] exert dominion over you…

(CEV)  Don’t let sin keep ruling your lives…

(GNB)  Sin must not be your master…

(GW)  Certainly, sin shouldn’t have power over you…

(MSG)  Sin can’t tell you how to live…

(TPT)  Remember this: sin will not conquer you…

(Yoruba OCB)   Nítorí ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ kì yóò tún ní ipá lórí yín mọ́…

The significance of this scripture lies in the fact that you possess the power to control sin, particularly sexual sins!

The next time you encounter a temptation, remember that you don’t have to succumb or yield to it!

You don’t give in to something you have already conquered!

You are not the conquered; you are the conqueror!

Sin attempts to dictate your life, impose its will upon you, and insist on what you should and shouldn’t do.

But The Message Translation of that verse says;

(MSG)  Sin can’t tell you how to live…

I absolutely adore that!

Jesus guides me towards a righteous life, not towards sin.

I don’t have to succumb to the allure or the manipulations of sin.

You are no longer defeated by sin. You are no longer a weakling when it comes to resisting the natural inclinations of the flesh and the temptations of sin.

You are in control, and God is with you!

Good morning!

When God Surrounds You With Himself

When God Surrounds You With Himself

Reading Time: 2 minutes

David, a formidable warrior and a field marshal in every sense, fought numerous battles and emerged victorious in almost all of them.

But he experienced moments of intense emotional turmoil, reaching his lowest point.

One such instance occurred when his biological son attempted to seize his throne.

What happened? Did Absalom chase him away from his throne? Yes, he did.

Psa 3:1-2 (KJV) A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son. LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. [2] Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.

He was down as he attested that many others joined Absalom in the rebellion.
He recounted how many people abandoned him, and even some people claimed that God had forsaken him and refused to assist him.

Have you ever experienced situations where it felt like those closest to you betrayed your trust? Have you been disappointed by people you considered trustworthy?

Well, let me tell you about David. He prayed a prayer that I’d like to share with you!

Psa 3:3 (KJV) But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

There are four things in that one verse:

Relationship with God: But thou, O LORD
God, My protection: Art a shield for me;
God, my glory: My Glory
God, lifter up of my head: The lifter up of mine head.

Whatever challenges you’re facing, God will be there for you! Whenever you’re going through a stormy time, pray that prayer and God will show up for you!

Let’s take a look at The Passion Translation.

Psa 3:3 (TPT) But in the depths of my heart I truly know that you, Yahweh, have become my Shield; You take me and surround me with yourself. Your glory covers me continually. You lift high my head when I bow low in shame.

Do you know what part I love the most? You take me and surround me with yourself!”

In the remaining days of this month and the days ahead, God will envelop you with His divine presence!
What else would you need apart from that? Walk into the coming days with that assurance that “God surrounds me!”

Good morning!

The Secret to a Fresh Start

The Secret to a Fresh Start

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What if you discover that you already have a chance to escape the monotony of the past and start fresh?

Imagine having unwavering faith that God will support you in the days ahead, eliminating the need to be anxious or fearful.

Imagine discovering that a plan for a fresh start is already in place, even if you’ve made mistakes.

Well, let us take a look

Psa 145:2 (KJV) Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.

Wow! Isn’t that incredibly simple?

The instructions are so straightforward that you might overlook them if you’re not careful.

He admonishes us to bless God every day!

This is the reason behind our daily sessions of prayer and praise. Global Prayer and Praise Storm Challenge

What challenge?

The challenge is to praise God every single day of next year! We meet daily to bless His Holy name! You can be a part and join HERE

What will be the outcome of this practice?

Among the numerous blessings of daily prayer, here’s one of them.

Psa 145:14 (KJV) The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.

In areas where you have fallen, God will support you. In aspects of life where you are bowed down, God will lift you up!

I love how The Message Translations succinctly puts this.

Psa 145:14 (MSG) GOD gives a hand to those down on their luck, gives a fresh start to those ready to quit.

God will grant a fresh beginning to those who are prepared to give up!

This is precisely why you should never give up under any circumstances!

There can be a fresh start in any of those relationships, such as marriage, business, or even a career!

I pray for you, in Jesus’ name, God will indeed give you a fresh start!

Determining If Someone Is the Right Person for You

Determining If Someone Is the Right Person for You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’ve often been asked how I can tell if a guy is the right person for me.

How do I know if a woman is the ideal partner to share a lifetime with?

After dating someone a few times, how can I identify if they’re a good fit for me?

What are the key indicators that a relationship has the potential to be successful?

Let’s take a look at the scripture.

Isa 8:20 To the law and the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Wow! Their speech! That’s the telltale sign!

The Bible says that if their words don’t align with God’s word or are abusive, it’s because they lack inner light.

When they have this light, they’ll speak in accordance with His teachings and commands.

Here, “light” refers to understanding!

From their speech, you can discern their stance!

For instance, a man who distorts the Bible to justify his immoral actions lacks illumination. The absence of light is why they are unable to speak according to God’s word.

Furthermore, when there is no apparent light, you have no right to associate yourself with darkness, even in the slightest way.

Jhn 8:12 (MSG) Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.”

Take a look at another scripture:

2Co 6:14 (MSG) Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark?

It’s simple: run away from every form of darkness.

In Jesus’ name, I pray that God will guide and direct you.

For couples, God’s light in your marriage will never fade or extinguish.

Have a fantastic week!

Relationship and Marital GPS: How to Find Direction

Relationship and Marital GPS: How to Find Direction

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The most crucial element in relationships and marriages is perhaps direction.

Knowing who to date.

Knowing who to go out with.

Knowing who to get married to.

Knowing where to settle down.

Knowing what kind of career path, job, or business endeavor to pursue.

Knowing how many children to go for.

The list goes on and it’s endless.

The greatest secret of resounding success is the direction and knowing specifically what to do.

We know that there is a template or blueprint that God has for us individually and for our relationships and marriages. Plugging into this specific template eliminates most issues that might arise.

How do we get to a place where God directs our paths?

That is what I want to show you this morning.

Pro 3:5 (KJV) Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

The greatest enemy of having God direct us is twofold from the above verse:

~ When you don’t trust God with all your heart

~ When you lean or depend on your understanding.

The next verse tells us precisely what to do.

Pro 3:6 (KJV) In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Did you see that? Acknowledge Him in all your ways and the next thing is that He will direct your paths!

How do you acknowledge God in all your ways, especially in relationships and marriages?

Put Him first place in your life. Put His Word first place and honour that Word by reading and studying regularly.

Talk to Him before every decision, both minor and major decisions! Let Him be involved all the way.

When you include God this way, He promises that He will direct your paths.

As I close, let us take a look at that same verse in The Amplified Version:

Pro 3:6 (AMPC) In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

I pray that God will direct your paths indeed! He will give you the wisdom needed to be able to acknowledge Him in all your ways!

Good morning!