Three Things About Delay. We are going to be looking at the different sources of delay.
1. You may be the source of the delay
Delays can be caused by oneself. There may be delays caused by your own carelessness.
Disobedience to God can result in self-imposed delay. This can also be caused by arrogance and ignorance. Refusing to follow God’s commandments can likewise cause delays.
Cooperate with God as soon as possible in all areas to avoid self-inflicted delays.
If God’s instructions are clear to you, act quickly to carry them out.
Three Things About Delay
2. Delay can be caused by God
Delay can be caused by God when He knows you are about to make a decision that will hinder your salvation, joy, or bring any type of evil.
The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 AMP
Because God does not want you to perish, He can delay stubborn decisions you are about to make in order to save your soul.
Make modifications in accordance with God’s instructions.
This type of delay might also occur if you refuse to work on your character.
Constant attitude adjustment is critical to moving your relationship and marriage aspirations forward.
Three Things About Delay
3. The devil can cause delays
Finally, the devil can cause delays. This is the devil’s work, and it will not be permitted. It must be repudiated, rejected, and opposed.
The devil’s works have already been destroyed by Jesus.
The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.
1 John 3:8b AMP I pray for you today that God would grant you the much-needed victory in Jesus’ name, and that He will send help your way in Jesus’ name!
The story of Samson and Delilah contains numerous lessons for us all. Samson was chosen by God. His mission was so important that an angel heralded his birth!
He did, however, have a weakness: women. Samson was a total womanizer. When he saw a woman, he would utterly lose his bearings. He let his erection become his compass.
KJV Jdg 16:1 Then Samson went to Gaza and saw a harlot and went in to her.
He finally became a disappointment because he refused to address his shortcoming.
In fact, he once spotted a lady and realized he couldn’t speak correctly! ” He said, “…get her for me to wife!”
Jdg 14:2 KJV And he came up, and told his father and his mother, and said, I have seen a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines: now therefore get her for me to wife.
How to Escape From Destiny Destroyers
His eyes were gouged out in the end, and he did not realize his destiny.
Samson knew Delilah was out for his life, yet he couldn’t get free from her. He was well aware that Delilah intended to murder him, yet he clung to her and refused to let go.
Some of us are currently in this situation. You are in an ungodly relationship that is extremely compromising, but you refuse to let go!
You find yourself in the arms of an aggressive and manipulative person, yet you refuse to let go.
You fall in love with someone who isn’t in love with you, yet you can’t let go.
How to Escape From Destiny Destroyers
Here’s some guidance. Don’t end up like Samson. No, we don’t require another. Don’t let your gift be terminated by death. Don’t be delivered right into the clutches of your adversaries.
Don’t allow it to reach the point where your spiritual eyes are gouged out and you can’t read the word anymore.
If Samson had fled, he could have been rescued. When the Bible says to run, don’t say, ‘Let’s reason together!’
A Swift Reminder to Men Everywhere. A husband is the glue that holds the family together. Because the eyes are positioned in the head, he serves as the family’s leader and navigator.
Because everyone in the family can see through him, he cannot afford to have blurry vision.
He can’t afford to be devoid of vision. He cannot afford to have blurry vision.
Here are some things to keep in mind as the leader:
A Swift Reminder to Men Everywhere
1. Demonstrate good leadership.
The male household head has the most impact on the kids. Children of absent fathers who failed to set a good example of leadership are becoming a common sight in our prisons.
REVIVE CONVERSATIONS now holds on ZOOM!Drop all relationship /marital questions, issues, and troubles ANONYMOUSLY, or just vent and pour your heart out. We will respond and judge the situation together by 9.00pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays) –
The best leadership is Christ’s leadership, which must first be exemplified via a close relationship with God.
2. Daily emotional connection and expression
Women are sensitive individuals. They cannot be deprived of that.
The words “I love you” will never get old for a lady.
She wants to hear that every day, and the quicker you provide it to her, the better, to prevent someone else from doing so. That might start an emotional relationship.
Compromise is merely a chance away once an emotional bond has been created with an outsider.
Tell her every day how much you adore her and how sincere your words are.
Maintain an emotional connection with your children, particularly if you have a girl child.
A Swift Reminder to Men Everywhere
3. Maintain sincere and animated dialogues
Be eloquent without being violent.
Don’t let arguments and corrections become the only topics of conversation between you and your husband.
You’re not a professor; you’re a husband. Avoid lecturing and preaching. Love your communication.
While you converse with her, have fun. Play with her, enjoy yourself, and be jovial.
NB: Singles and Couples’ Hubs Whatsapp Meeting is Weekly. Use the links below to join and participate
Don’t take your spouse too seriously.
The Bible advises you to cherish the wife you had in your youth.
Enjoy yourself and try not to lock up too frequently due to budgetary constraints or other problems.
To overcome despair and unwarranted concern, learn to give God your requests.
Your wife and children turn to you for guidance and leadership.
Will You Walk This Marital Journey With Me? Knowing that God is with you as you walk down the aisle is one of the nicest things that can happen to you.
Everyone needs that certainty, I tell you!
Moses was a person who understood the value of having God at your side. Nothing could replace it in his opinion.
Take note to what he said below:
Exo 33:15 (KJV) And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.
Moses threatened to stay still if God refused to accompany him.
This one-of-a-kind mindset can ensure a wonderful and fruitful relationship.
Perhaps the Message Translation can help you comprehend it more clearly.
Exo 33:15 (MSG) Moses said, “If your presence doesn’t take the lead here, call this trip off right now.
Will You Walk This Marital Journey With Me?
REVIVE CONVERSATIONS now holds on ZOOM!Drop all relationship /marital questions, issues, and troubles ANONYMOUSLY, or just vent and pour your heart out. We will respond and judge the situation together by 9.00pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays) –
Can you reach that stage when you ask God to end this relationship right away if He is not with me?
The fact that you can accomplish this demonstrates your honesty.
It demonstrates that you give God the highest priority.
Given that He has already taken precedence in your life and relationships, you may rest assured that God will take care of you at this point.
And how much this assurance will help you in your pursuits. It will greatly bolster your faith!
Will You Walk This Marital Journey With Me?
Here, have a look:
Php 4:19-20 (MSG) You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. [20] Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes.
God will look for you. He’ll take care of all your requirements. He’ll lead you.
He is going to lead you this week. He will accompany you. You won’t be held hostage.
NB: Singles and Couples’ Hubs Whatsapp Meeting is Weekly. Use the links below to join and participate
In the name of Jesus, the enemy’s plans for your life and relationships are now broken and shattered.
In the name of Jesus, God will honor you in every aspect of your life.
In the name of Jesus, the enemy’s traps are removed from your path. This week, you won’t have any trouble!
This week, the angel of assistance will find you.
In Jesus’ name, so it shall be for you, according to the Lord’s word!
As a marriage counselor, I’ve had to mediate conflicts between various couples over the years. One significant concern is affairs or adultery.
This does not only apply to nonbelievers. There is also adultery within the church.
An affair is defined as a sexual relationship, romantic friendship, or passionate attachment between two people that occurs without the other spouse’s knowledge.
Nobody is exempt from having an affair. Nothing can ever justify an affair. God frowns upon it, and we do also on Kisses and Huggs Club
Why do affairs occur?
The answer is not far-fetched once we identify the main reason.
How Marriage Affairs and Adultery Begin
1. A forewarning and a wake-up call
Some people have affairs solely to “warn” their spouse and show them what they are capable of. Can you outdo that?
When you try to warn or return to your spouse through an affair, the repercussions are not pleasant.
Pro 6:32-33 (MSG) Adultery is a brainless act, soul-destroying, self-destructive; [33] Expect a bloody nose, a black eye, and a reputation ruined for good.
How Marriage Affairs and Adultery Begin
2. The Demands
When either party’s sexual and emotional needs are not addressed, it is a red flag that an affair is on the horizon.
As a pair, try to meet each other’s wants as much as possible.
It aids in reducing the vulnerability that results from unfulfilled needs.
How Marriage Affairs and Adultery Begin
3. A Swollen Ego
This may sound silly, but guys frequently have affairs to restore a damaged ego!
At the same time, while this may appear “valid” to men, affairs are still wrong and will always have consequences.
Wives, don’t purposefully wound your husband’s ego. Instead, massage and shield it.
In Jesus’ name, may God provide you with more insight.
As singles, understand that double dating is the rehearsal for adultery. If your partner is cheating on you before the wedding, they will likely continue even after marriage.