Unleashing Your Best Self In Marriage. Growing up in my family, I had several responsibilities in the house. At one time, I was the “sweeper” Can you imagine? I hated sweeping the living room with a passion. But that was my job and I had to do it because I am a member of the family. At one time, I had to do the dishes. At another time, I was the car washer! The only thing remaining for me was to open a car wash!
I remembered the day I locked my youngest siblings, aged 6 and 4, in the car, wind up, and forgot them there for over two hours. When I remembered, I rushed downstairs to open the car door, they were both there crying and sweating like no man’s business. That was the last day I allowed them to move near the car when I am doing the washing.
Unleashing Your Best Self In Marriage
The point here is that every family member has something he has to contribute to the family, in terms of home chores.
As singles and married, we are to have the regular “chores” we do in the church we belong to!
I really don’t understand believers who do nothing in their local assembly! A church is a spiritual family unit and everybody should have “chores”
As a matter of fact, when a single person says he has found a lover, my next question is always, which church? And which unit does he belong to?
I want to know if that person is responsible in his local assembly.
Does it mean a church worker will not have issues in marriage? I never said that. But being a worker and showing some level of responsibility is a step ahead of someone who attends church and does nothing, contributing nothing.
We don’t have that kind of spirit.
In the same way, married couples, find something to do in your local assembly. Be responsible. Pay your tithe, and be involved. When you are faithful in what belongs to others, then God will give you your own. Serve, Do your part, and be interested in advancing God’s kingdom
Unleashing Your Best Self In Marriage
There is a blessing in serving God over you, your family, your finances, and your health! See it here:
Exodus 23:25 (KJV) And ye shall SERVE the LORD your God, and he shall BLESS thy bread, and thy water; and I will TAKE SICKNESS AWAY from the midst of thee.
The reason Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson kept quarreling and never understood each other was that they actually don’t understand God’s love.
If singles can ensure they marry someone who understands a little of the depth of God’s love, a lot of complications will be averted.
What do I mean?
Let me take you back to the text we have been considering for the past few days. This is something the Holy Spirit showed me, right?
NB: Singles and Couples’ Hubs Whatsapp Meeting is Weekly. Use the links below to join and participate
Mat 8:5-8 (KJV) And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, [6] And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. [7] And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. [8] The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
The Love Secret Every Couple Should Know
What the centurion responded with is our focus this morning.
I am not worthy that you should come under my roof…
How many times have we messed up in our relationships and marriages that we have concluded, there is no need to pray? I can’t even invite God to come under my roof!
How much of negative words have we uttered that have become swords of cryptic decoration hanging down from the roofs of our marital roofs, lacerating and causing more wounds on the lovers?
And the devil taking this back to God to accuse you to God, based on the words he instigated you to say?
And then coming back to accuse God to you convincing you that Jesus can’t come under your roof because so much damage has been done!
REVIVE CONVERSATIONS now holds on ZOOM!Drop all relationship /marital questions, issues, and troubles ANONYMOUSLY, or just vent and pour your heart out. We will respond and judge the situation together by 9.00pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays) – https://khcng.com/vent/
And you believing all this, you are not worthy to come under my roof.
The Love Secret Every Couple Should Know
However, in an incredible twist of divine love, such that we have not comprehended the length, breadth, width, and depth of it, Jesus wants to come into your HEART, not just your roof.
His entrance into your heart is what will bring peace under your roof. With Him in your hearts, no third party can infiltrate your roof.
Dear single, look for the one whose heart has been completely occupied and has no vacancy for any other.
Dear couples, seek to grant an entrance to Jesus in your hearts and let His love and His word regulate your marriage.
This is where peace, Shalom, nothing missing, nothing broken begins from.
The Romantic Yes You Want To Have. The day was like any other day. But It was to remain a special day for me and there would be no way I would write the story of my life without referencing that day. It was the day my wife said Yes!
We were campus sweethearts and our love story was woven on the threads of the Institution we attended.
She had come to collect her plate, (another story entirely), when I got that almost elusive Yes!
What an excitement as the realization of finally having a whole human being agree to go on the marital journey with me. Do I have to tell you I was both full of ecstasy and fear at the same time? (Again, another story)
The Romantic Yes You Want To Have. God will never refuse you!
That Yes can begin a new course of life, but a lot of people have their story of several “NO”s. Feelings of being rejected and jilted are not pleasant at all.
Are we aware that God will not refuse anybody who asks for His help? Yes, His answer may not be the method we wanted, but He will always respond.
In the verses we have been looking at:
Mat 8:5-7 (KJV) And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, [6] And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. [7] And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
Jesus didn’t say, sorry I can’t come.
He never says, your case is “irreconcilable!’
Have you really taken your relationship or marriage to Him? Or you are busy trying to figure things on your own, installing spy apps to monitor your spouse, cameras around the house, recording calls, and so many actions emanating from insecurities and mistrust.
The Romantic Yes You Want To Have. Is the Relationship or Marriage Sick?
Like this man said, “my servant lieth at home sick…”, have you ever told Jesus, “my marriage lieth at home sick…”
You know what, Jesus will never refuse you. He will come. He will come with His winnowing fan and clean out every marital junk from your marriage!
Mat 3:12 (AMPC) His winnowing fan (shovel, fork) is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear out and clean His threshing floor and gather and store His wheat in His barn, but the chaff He will burn up with fire that cannot be put out.
That is powerful!
Take a look at the Message Translation:
Mat 3:12 (MSG) He’s going to clean house—make a clean sweep of your lives. He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he’ll put out with the trash to be burned.”
The Romantic Yes You Want To Have. Let Him Clean the House!
God knows how to clean the house. He would place the side chick in her proper place! He would place the husband and wife in their proper places. Every false guys and side chicks will be trashed out!
Before you call on the lawyer, call on Jesus. He will not refuse you.
Do You Truly Desire Your Lover? The Johnsons have been married for a while. Too many quarrels riddled their marriage and they are at their wits’ end.
Bode and Sally who have been in a relationship for two years are also at a point where they want out. They feel they have exhausted all possibilities.
Yesterday, I admonish us from a scripture:
Mat 8:5 (KJV) And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,
I explained that Jesus entered, Capernaum, and the centurion came unto him. Jesus entrance wasn’t enough to complete the cycle of an intervention, the centurion had to go to him.
REVIVE CONVERSATIONS now holds on ZOOM!Drop all relationship /marital questions, issues, and troubles ANONYMOUSLY, or just vent and pour your heart out. We will respond and judge the situation together by 9.00pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays) – https://khcng.com/vent/
But I want to talk to singles and married this morning, that after Jesus entered, the centurion came, there is still one more thing to do.
Do You Truly Desire Your Lover?
The scripture says that the centurion came, BESEECHING Him!
One of the meaning of the root word is “Desire”
Do you really desire your partner?
Or is somebody distracting you out there and messing up with the “desire juice’ meant for your partner?
Have you really beseeched the Lord about your relationship or marriage?
NB: Singles and Couples’ Hubs Whatsapp Meeting is Weekly. Use the links below to join and participate
When last did you pray together? I mean together, not some isolated grumbling where you are asking God to judge your partner speedily! If possible, kill him joor!
Ha! Has it come to that?
Marriage is such a strong one flesh arrangement that any prayer you offer against your spouse is a prayer against yourself.
Before you conclude, on separation or divorce, Have you allowed Jesus to enter? Have you gone to Jesus? Have you beseeched Him?
Do You Truly Desire Your Lover?
There is a price to pay for a blissful marriage. It is never automatic.
There are things to do. Beseeching involves exploring all forms of communication, counseling, therapy, counsels and all.
Not that you are ready to drop your spouse like hot potatoes at the slightest provocation.
Go to the Lord with genuine desire for your relationship and marriage and beseech Him.
Crossing the Divide: An Entrance And A Coming. You are born again. Your spouse or fiancee is born again. You both go to church. And for that, you believe so much it’s going to be living joyfully ever after.
But it didn’t turn out to be. Issues arose. Differences spiked. Hot voluptuous words were vociferously exchanged. Things fell apart quickly and in an unbelievable happenstance, the one you loved so much became the one you are irritated with so much.
You could not reconcile the days he used to show up with chocolates and gifts with the present day he would show up with frowns and a cranky attitude.
He complains about everything.
She is so disrespectful.
He is so insensitive and uncaring.
She doesn’t know how to cook again. Her soup is now sour.
He simply deceived me. How did I fall for his lies? He really didn’t love me.
The both of you begin to wonder how you claim to have Jesus and all of this is happening.
Crossing the Divide: An Entrance And A Coming
Well, let me admonish you from one verse the Holy Spirit quickened to me early in my prayer time this morning.
Mat 8:5 (KJV) And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,
Just as Jesus entered Capernaum, He did enter your lives. But that is not the end of the story.
That verse went on to posit, that there came unto Him…
It is not enough that Jesus entered your lives, now you must come unto Him.
Both of you.
Consciously. Deliberately.
Crossing the Divide: An Entrance And A Coming
You must seek Him in your relationship and marriage, and involve Him in all you do.
You may be an expert lover boy or lover babe, but your romantic dexterity will not be enough to navigate the complex waters of marital endeavor.
So daily, if possible, hourly, you call on Him, you converse, you listen, and you heed His instructions.
After nearly 24 years after wedding my wife, I can tell you this works.
Put Him first place. Honour Him and then you will know how to Honour one another.