Satan’s Sneaky Strategy Through Thoughts. Thoughts! Thoughts! Thoughts!
That’s his channel, his pipe way, his major interest, the very same reason the mind is referred to as the battlefield.
If you refuse to lose in your thought realm, then you will not lose in life. But if you lose there, there is little anybody can do.
The devil doesn’t waste his time trying several weapons against you. He studies you and deploys arsenals that are specific to your weakness, usually beginning from your thoughts.
Most marriages have been messed up, not by outright sinful adventures, but by seemingly harmless thoughts.
The devil bombards your mind endlessly, filling your thoughts with images that are designed to trap you, weaken you, and draw you away from God’s favour.
This is why you have to consciously build a fence around your mind.
Pro 4:23 (AMPC) Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.
You are responsible for securing your hearts against fiery darts, sexual thoughts, pornographic images, undressing people with your mind, and so on and so forth.
Guard your mind and do not allow thoughts about some other persons aside from your spouse to infiltrate your mind.
If you live your thought gate open carelessly, intruders will flood your mind and mess it up.
In no time, you find yourself becoming what you are thinking.
If those thoughts already infiltrated your mind, what do you do?
2Co 10:5 (KJV) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Cast them down. When you do, the Holy Spirit is there to help you so that your mind can be sanctified! This is done by filling your mind with His Word. Spend a lot of time in the Word!
You can have the mind of Christ where the Holy Spirit begins to think through you.
As you begin to take responsibility for your thoughts, you will begin to take charge of your life.
May God bless, strengthen and hold you by the right hand in your relationship and marriage in Jesus’ name!
The Irresistible Power of Your Beloved’s Voice. Words. Utterances. Extremely powerful. Words come out with a sound. Everything begins with a sound. When heaven went quiet for thirty minutes, it was recorded because heaven is a place for sounds!
Nobody gets married without words. You have to ask for her hand in marriage. And there is no true union without a response. The agreement has to be mutual, and validated by what is said.
On the wedding day, husband and wife come together in a string covenant recognized by God Himself, and yet all they did was say some “words” we usually refer to as vows.
When these words are spoken, something miraculous takes place in the realm of the spirit and the man and woman become one flesh!
It would have been easier if they become one spirit. One flesh? That is how powerful words are.
That is why God attributes judgment to those who break the covenant because they are coming against their very words.
When a baby enters the milieu for the first time, he has to make a sound.
Words are powerful.
The Irresistible Power of Your Beloved’s Voice
If the words of a man were that powerful, how much more would be the words of God?
How great would it be to hear God speak to you? How blessed can you be if you refuse to make any move until you have heard Him?
How great will it be for relationships and marriage wherein the lovers won’t do anything until they have heard Him?
All our troubles, were they not initiated because we did not listen to Him and we choose to respond to the voice and dictates of our flesh?
The Irresistible Power of Your Beloved’s Voice
The beauty of listening to Him before acting is that His voice comes with power. A lot of power. Enough to destabilize the enemy, render opposition ineffective, reduce them to ruins, and give you a resounding victory!
Song of Solomon 2:8 (KJV) The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.
The voice of God has the capacity to leap over mountains and skip over hills!
That issue, that problem, that imbroglio, cannot and will never defy the voice of God!
Before you conclude on your fiancee or spouse, listen to what God is saying! His instructions come with the power to overcome that very issue!
The quality of your life is pegged by the quality of your thoughts. If you think you can, you are right. If you think you can’t, you are also right! Too many relationships and marriages have been ruined by the kinds of thoughts that were entertained. Thoughts are so powerful that they will eventually overwhelm your life and give your life direction.
In this devotional, we will delve into the power of thoughts and how they shape our lives. We will also explore how negative thoughts can ruin relationships and marriages, and how to stop negative thoughts.
Dealing With Negative Thoughts
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything they want, while others struggle to make ends meet? The answer lies in the power of thoughts. Your thoughts shape your beliefs, which in turn shape your actions. And your actions determine the quality of your life.
Dealing With Negative Thoughts
The Power of Thoughts
Thoughts are so powerful that the greatest robberies were first carried out mentally before execution. Thoughts can be so healthy that they would drive sicknesses away. Thoughts can be so sickening to the point of physical paralysis. How do you convince a man or woman to become a suicide bomber? They simply work on the thought realm. Once the person embraces the proposition in the thought realm, the rest is easy.
The power of thoughts is not limited to negative thoughts. Positive thoughts can also have a profound impact on our lives. When you think positively, you attract positive things into your life. You become more confident, more optimistic, and more resilient.
No wonder, the method through which God will change you daily into becoming who He wants you to be is through the renewal of your mind.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Rom 12:2, KJV)
Transformation comes as a child of God as you read, study and meditate on God’s word.
Dealing With Negative Thoughts
Negative Thoughts Can Ruin Relationships and Marriages
In the same way, the method that the devil would use if he wants to ruin a relationship or marriage is through thoughts. Precisely, negative thoughts and lies!
All the quarrels in a relationship and marriage first of all start in your thoughts. When you are negative-minded, full of doubts and mistrust, the relationship or marriage in question will be shaky.
When you are negative-minded, you will misinterpret every effort of your spouse. You will suspect every move and you will not give your spouse breathing space.
Dealing With Bad Dreams and Nightmares. Dreams are like windows into the realm of the spirit. Dreams can come from God, from the devil, and from you.
God can warn you through dreams. They are often a language of the Holy Spirit through which He communicates to us and warns us of dangers ahead.
The devil can cause dreams too through which he injects the spirit of fear and trepidation in other to create a loophole and have access into your lives. Once the spirit of fear grips you and you do nothing about it, it’s an expressway for the devil to cause chaos and carry out his plans.
Some dreams are harmless, however. These are the ones you have because of the multitude of thoughts and watching too many films or playing an engrossing game. Suddenly you become Jack Bauer and you want to help complete his mission in 24!
Dealing With Bad Dreams and Nightmares
Now, if you have the gift of seeing and knowing, you have to be careful of what you feed yourself. You have to deliberately avoid junk in order not to contaminate that gift!
Back to the issue of bad dreams, once you have them, when you wake up, go into the offensive using relevant scriptures, come against those dreams, take authority over them, nullify them, plead the blood of Jesus, and declare that only the counsel of God will stand in your life!
Joel 2:28 says we will dream dreams! Dreams can be a tool in the hand of the Lord.
Ensure that you are not living in any habitual sins so that the pipe way of information can be sanctified. Once contaminated, confusion sets in!
Dealing With Bad Dreams and Nightmares
You will not be confused in Jesus’ name!
Every spirit assigned to waste opportunities around you via bad dreams, we take authority over them in Jesus’ name!
Join Revive Prayers throughout this week as we pray against bad dreams!
The Reluctance to Change In Marriage. In marriage, you only have to choose once. Circumstances emerge that present an opportunity to choose again, and even again, but those experiences are not what you pray for, and they usually come with unpleasant accomplices. Nobody prays for the loss of a spouse, separation, or divorce.
Ideally, you are stuck in a marriage with that fellow. You better choose wisely if you are still single.
And if you have chosen, decide to make it work and go the long haul.
Marriage is not designed with reverse gear except in very extreme cases.
The Reluctance to Change In Marriage
I am over fifty, and my wife is almost fifty, and we have not really changed. We only become “mature” in our tendencies.
It’s as simple as that. I am still as playful and funny as I used to be. She is still as “reserved’ as she used to be.
Yes, she borrows my playfulness a few times, as occasions demand, but she is essentially who she is. Reserved.
I borrow her reservation, a couple of times, but inside me, in the midst of the reservation, I am still as naughty as ever.
Playfulness and reservation in all excellencies!
The Reluctance to Change In Marriage
That difference was what attracted us.
Then that same difference irritated and repelled us when we got married. And then we wanted to change one another. Frustrating attempts.
Then we had to learn how to manage the differences to have peace at home.
Then the differences we didn’t want in our spouse, which cause quarrels and endless tantrums, become what you smile and laugh over. That is maturity!
That point is where you must get to and then life becomes peaceful and enjoyable.
The differences to live with do not include bad habits and sinful dispositions. Those are to be prayerfully and lovingly confronted and refused for the health of the marriage and the upbringing of the children.
That is how it works.
Those that are still single, don’t get lost in the ice cream or in the movie halls. Don’t enter his inner chamber yet! Choose wisely. Dig dip and pray well, the first thing is not sex! Never! That confuses the soul! Sex should be reserved till after marriage!