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Satan’s Sneaky Strategy Through Thoughts. Thoughts! Thoughts! Thoughts! 

That’s his channel, his pipe way, his major interest, the very same reason the mind is referred to as the battlefield.

If you refuse to lose in your thought realm, then you will not lose in life. But if you lose there, there is little anybody can do.

The devil doesn’t waste his time trying several weapons against you. He studies you and deploys arsenals that are specific to your weakness, usually beginning from your thoughts.

Most marriages have been messed up, not by outright sinful adventures, but by seemingly harmless thoughts.

The devil bombards your mind endlessly, filling your thoughts with images that are designed to trap you, weaken you, and draw you away from God’s favour.

This is why you have to consciously build a fence around your mind. 

Pro 4:23 (AMPC) Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.

You are responsible for securing your hearts against fiery darts, sexual thoughts, pornographic images, undressing people with your mind, and so on and so forth.

Guard your mind and do not allow thoughts about some other persons aside from your spouse to infiltrate your mind. 

If you live your thought gate open carelessly, intruders will flood your mind and mess it up.

In no time, you find yourself becoming what you are thinking.

If those thoughts already infiltrated your mind, what do you do?

2Co 10:5 (KJV) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Cast them down. When you do, the Holy Spirit is there to help you so that your mind can be sanctified! This is done by filling your mind with His Word. Spend a lot of time in the Word!

You can have the mind of Christ where the Holy Spirit begins to think through you.

As you begin to take responsibility for your thoughts, you will begin to take charge of your life. 

May God bless, strengthen and hold you by the right hand in your relationship and marriage in Jesus’ name!


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