Overcoming Relationship and Marriage Problems

Overcoming Relationship and Marriage Problems

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Overcoming Relationship and Marriage Problems. There are several enemies of relationships and marriage. These are also enemies of God because marriage is instituted by God.

I can tell you there are deep-seated problems and issues. There are issues that the people involved don’t even know why they are acting the way they do. There are adultery-ridden marriages on the verge of destruction. There are crying brides and frustrated grooms. 

There are singles in love with the ones that do not love them. There are manipulators and users. There are singles who believe they are cursed and their very beliefs follow them all over. There are couples who are living like roommates, just existing, enduring instead of enjoying their union.

There are people who have walked down the aisle but are now strolling up the aisle alone and walking out of marriage. There are couples waiting on God. There are those battling with sexual perversions, ranging from pornography, masturbation, and even homosexuality and lesbianism.

What is happening?

Overcoming Relationship and Marriage Problems

“Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee.”  (Psa 66:3, KJV)

Listen carefully, I don’t know what your challenge is, I don’t even know what the monumental problem is, but this one thing I know, and this one thing I want you to know this morning, the light of God shines and darkness will never overcome it! You need to believe and slowly absorb that. 

Through the greatness of God’s power, every enemy will be subdued.

What is that enemy fighting in your relationship or marriage?

Childlessness? Sickness? Health Challenge? No suitor? Financial issues? Generational trends? Perversions? Confusion? Addictions? Serious issues you cannot even discuss with your pastor? 

Listen to me, there is the power of God that no problem, issue, puzzle, or enigma can withstand!

That scripture says, through the GREATNESS of His power, it didn’t just say through His Power but through the GREATNESS….

How great is God’s power to you? What is the greatness of His power in your heart? How much of this power do you realize? How much of this power can you tap into? How do you see His power in your relationship, marriage, and life?

“The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies. What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.”  (Nah 1:7-9, KJV)

Overcoming Relationship and Marriage Problems

How do you see God? What is your opinion of Him? Far away God? Disenfranchised by your situation and unconcerned? Or the very present help in every trouble?

Listen to me people of God, whatever is making you cry right now is too small. Whatever is making you sad right now is nothing before His power. That depression and despondency that wants to overwhelm you cannot withstand the power of God in your life.

Discover that power you carry! Realize that which you have. You are in a covenant and relationship with God that is backed by the very throne of God.

Get back into His presence today. That is where you will activate that power that already lies in you. Get back to God and make your way right, and then His enemies in your life will be subdued. It didn’t say, they may be subdued, but they SHALL….

It is not a speculation, people of God! Get angry today! Refuse to accommodate that problem in your life. Sack that issue trying to lord it over your life. Jesus got you the victory already.

Get back into God’s word. Fill your heart with it. Meditate on it. Say it and stay with it. Confess it. Spend time in His presence. Let His presence rub on you. 

I challenge you today. Go to God. You have tried some other means. You are beautiful but have no husband, you need the greatness of His power. You can speak phonetics, but no wife, you need the greatness of His power. You work hard but have nothing to show for it, there is a power to get wealth. They don’t marry in time in your family, but you can be exempted. They die early in your family but that is not your portion.

Refuse to fear any longer. Stop dining with negative talkers and start rubbing your mind with divinity!

Overcoming Relationship and Marriage Problems

The power of God will save you, it will deliver you, and will put a smile on your face! Let this truth settle in your mind. Start thinking about possibilities. Nothing is wrong with you, the devil is a liar. You are a child of God, don’t follow anybody to bathe in the river. Don’t light any red Candles. Go into God’s word and encounter the greatness of His power!

Rise up today, Arise and Shine for your light has come!


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This Will Not End In Shame! 

This Will Not End In Shame! 

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This Will Not End In Shame! 

Sally struggled in her thoughts. Since she has given her life to Jesus, nothing spectacular has happened in her life, or so she thought. She wondered whether she would eventually make it.

Sometimes, her thoughts would wander away and meander into the terrain of doubt and the foggy path of faithlessness. Has she made the right decision in serving God? It looked like those that didn’t know God or are not as spiritual as her are getting things done faster, getting married, and are happier. 

Really, she is confused. It is the same experience with George. He is not sure this “born-again thing” will lead him anywhere. He feared being a loser at the end of the day. It simply seems walking with God is the slowest thing that can ever happen.

The couple down the road the Johnsons are not spared either. The economic downturn of their nation is really biting into their finances. They wake up every morning, hoping to japa! All hope seems lost!

Well, I am here this morning to encourage you! This Will Not End In Shame! 

“Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.”  (Psa 22:4-5, KJV)

The ones that have gone ahead of you trusted in God, and God delivered them. Trusting God does not mean trouble will not show up, but when you trust Him, no trouble or issue will overcome you.

They trusted in God and they were not confounded.

Listen to me, people of God, when you trust God all the way, it will look like you are finished, but you will not be finished. It will look like you are a loser, but you will laugh at the end. It will look like you made a useless decision, but in the end, people will seek your counsel.

The wisdom of God is foolishness to this world. It cannot be naturally discerned.

Look at verse 5 in the Amplified version:

“They cried to You and were delivered; they trusted in, leaned on, and confidently relied on You, and were not ashamed or confounded or disappointed.”  (Psa 22:5, AMP)

They trusted, leaned on, and confidently relied on God, and they were not ashamed or confounded, or disappointed!

This Will Not End In Shame! 

I declare over you, you will not be ashamed. You will not be confounded. You will not be disappointed.

Stay with God, people of God. I say it again, stay with God.

Do you know the problem that people normally have with this?

They usually compromise while trusting God. The moment you get into some habitual stuff, the whole process is ruptured! And that is when it looks like you are defeated.

Why are compromise and sin dangerous here?

The devil is the accuser of the brethren. He is looking for every mistake and accuses to God not to bless you. Then He comes to you and accuses God to you. God does not love you! He will accuse man to God and accuse God to man.

And so, if you are not grounded in the word, you will tend to believe him and the moment you have an ill feeling towards God, your creator, and benefactor, the whole process of trusting God is tampered with. 

If you don’t want to see shame as a child of God, stay away from sin. Stay away from all sexual sins. 

A lifestyle of sin brings shame.

“By righteousness a nation is lifted up, but sin is a cause of shame to the peoples.”  (Pro 14:34, BBE)

A lifestyle of sin makes people blaspheme the name of the Lord. They will say something like, “Oh, she is born again, why would that happen to her? Where is her God that cannot deliver her?”

But we see from the above scripture, 

They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded!

But Pastor, I am not in any habitual sin, and yet nothing is happening? You need to know there are timings and seasons. When you want something done for you but it is out of God’s season for your life, it may not happen, simply because it is not time yet. 

Also, you need to know that there are things you can do that will speed up God’s plan in your life, that will break the bars of delays, will make crooked places straight and that will release unprecedented favour into your life.

What are those things? Here are a few of them

1. Stay with God’s word. Read, meditate and confess regularly

2. Pray in the Spirit daily, it strengthens you to trust God more by opening your eyes 

3. Be a tither and a giver. Be consistent. Support God’s work. Don’t be careless with it

4. Serve God in a local assembly. Spend your time, talent, and treasure for God

5. Forgive all. Stay out of strife.

6. Stay out of sin. Clean up your life. Let dangerous habits go. 

6. Honour your biological parents and spiritual parents with your seeds. Listen to them.

7. Be full of thanksgiving

These are just a few things. In trusting God, you trust with all your heart. And I can tell you, you will not be ashamed! This Will Not End In Shame! 


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Accountability and Falling In Love

Accountability and Falling In Love

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Accountability and Falling In Love. Ade and Sally were crazily in love. It was like love out of the novels. They were so much into each other. But they kept their love life secret. In no time, situations beyond them arose, and they are unable to handle it, so the relationship was ruined. You see, life has a way of dealing you things beyond your wisdom and often people who have gone through what you are going through are the ones that can help.

The Johnsons who are married found each other in similar scenario. The husband believes there should be no third party. In the end, the wife felt oppressed and their relationship nosedived quickly, enveloped with attitudes, withdrawals, and sexlessness too!

Accountability and Falling In Love.

I remember I was accountable as a student when I fell in love on campus in 1996. Even though our pastor was a student then, we still remained accountable. Before I asked my wife out, I informed our fellowship pastor and he encouraged me! May God not send you to a person who will talk you out of God’s plan for your life. Many people’s dreams have been killed by the people they trusted. Mephibosheth was entrusted to his nurse, but the nurse “dropped” him and he became lame!

Accountability is a spiritual exercise that protects your relationship. When you are accountable, it helps you to be cautious and to consciously stay away from pre-marital sex. It also helps you to report each other or even report yourself.

Most sexual sins are perpetuated when your relationship is shrouded in secrecy. The moment one party is saying you should not tell anybody, then something is wrong somewhere.

Accountability and Falling In Love.

After the wedding, accountability continues. It is a powerful principle you shouldn’t joke with. The couple should agree on who will mentor them. In marriage, when there are issues, it is wrong to pick up your phones and report each other to your parents or friends. When you do that, the situation will aggravate. Parents will be biased towards their children, friends will also be biased. You need somebody who has nothing to lose, is not biased, and is ready to be truthful to the two of you.

As couples, do you have somebody you can call on the phone when there are issues behind you? I do that for a lot of couples around the world, and situations that have degenerated into serious issues for days are often resolved in minutes, not so much because I know so much, but because of the grace of God upon my life. 

As I conclude on Accountability and Falling In Love, I have discovered that if a couple can do these three things, all other issues are just minor.

These three things are

1. Stay away from cheating and unfaithfulness

2. Forgive each other quickly and stay accountable

3. Pray together regularly
I pray that God will grant you more understanding.


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Attraction Factor In Relationships and Marriages

Attraction Factor In Relationships and Marriages

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Attraction Factor In Relationships and Marriages

Were we attracted to each other? Yes, and certainly!  A lot of deeply spiritual folk will tell you that attraction doesn’t matter, but I am telling you right now, it matters.

Marriage is truly made in heaven, but it is lived here on earth. You can receive your spouse from heaven, but both of you will eventually tabernacle here on planet earth!

After marriage, all other people will not suddenly become ugly. That is why people who have no fear of God still go into extra-marital relationships.

Attraction Factor In Relationships and Marriages

I have had to counsel people who are in a relationship and would say they didn’t really like their partner but since God said he or she is the one. You see, something is obviously missing here. God is not an author of confusion, and He would not lead you to somebody you dislike forever. 

Yes, it is possible you do not resonate with a particular person God leads you to when you are busy looking elsewhere, but the moment you embrace God’s plan, you will indeed love the person.

But there would never be a situation where God forces you to marry somebody you don’t like or somebody you hate.

A situation where you get depressed over how your spouse looks three days after the wedding needs not happen!

You won’t believe that the reason a lot of people are scared about asking God for who to marry is that they don’t want God to lead them to somebody they will hate. God is intelligent, much more intelligent than all the intelligence of the entire brains of the human race combined!

Attraction Factor In Relationships and Marriages

It is only God that knows the person who will be attracted to you and you will be attracted to, not just today, but also in some ten and twenty years’ time. People change over time.

Beyond physical attraction, therefore, there must be an inner attraction. Beyond the fact that she is thin or slim or lepacious, you must love her because, over time, a lepacious woman can become orobo! Figure eight can fast become figure football! What happens after that?

The reality you must accept is that your spouse will not look the same after twenty or thirty years of marriage. Attraction must be deeper than physical appearance because appearance changes over time!

For me, I have remained slim like I used to be, I only added a little and my tummy has been trying to come out, but I have been casting out all the calories. My wife is more rounded, but she has been trying to lay aside the weight as well.

Attraction Factor In Relationships and Marriages

As married couples, do not look on when you see the weight is traveling to where you don’t want to camp. Follow her to the gym if you have to. Take precautions. Do not eat late. Reduce taking “swallow” if you have to! Stay with each other and walk the walk together. 

As married couples, keep the attraction on fire. Keep dressing for him within and without the home. He is moved by sight! Never forget that! Good morning


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I Am Carried

I Am Carried

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I am carried! You are carried. How many times have you spoken against God because of some little pressure? How many times have you had emotional outbursts at God because you don’t understand what you are going through? Watch the short video below before you read on. Respond accordingly to the prayers if you need to do so before you read on!

Look at the scripture again:

Isa 46:4 (AMPC) Even to your old age I am He, and even to hair white with age will I carry you. I have made, and I will bear; yes, I will carry and will save you.

Gid promised to carry you! No wonder at those times you went through the most difficult times, the times you were suicidal, the times you were sure you would die, the times you fell so deep into the dark pit with no flicker of light, the times you went through grief that seemed to lead to the grave, and yet, you came out alive…it is because you are carried! I am carried!

God has been carrying you all along! The Message translation says God will carry you on His back! Wow!

A quarter of what you went through sent others six feet below and you are thinking it is because you are strong? No, you are carried?

And you know what? God isn’t the one to drop you! God is not like the Nurse that dropped Mephibosheth!

2Sa 4:4 (KJV) And Jonathan, Saul’s son, had a son that was lame of his feet. He was five years old when the tidings came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel, and his nurse took him up, and fled: and it came to pass, as she made haste to flee, that he fell, and became lame. And his name was Mephibosheth.

Oh yeah, men will dop you! They are not designed to be able to carry you for long! Sugar Daddies can’t carry you for long, they are only looking for the Sugar in you. Like the nurse, they will drop you at the last!

The only one who will carry is God. Like an eagle, He would bear you up! I am carried!

Deu 32:11 (MSG) He was like an eagle hovering over its nest, overshadowing its young, Then spreading its wings, lifting them into the air, teaching them to fly.

I only have one piece of advice for you this morning, dear singles and married!

Don’t jump off his back! So many things will endear you in order to entrap you, don’t jump! Hold him tight! Let His love radiate and envelope you. Let His glory surround you!

Don’t jump off at the beckon of the mammon spirit. Don’t jump off at the lure of lustful spirits.

Let Him carry you! And while at it, give Him thanks! Stop complaining and let God do His work in your life! I am carried!

I pray for you, God will intervene in that situation in Jesus’ name! If you need some repenting to do because you’ve spoken against Him, use the video above!

Good morning! I am carried! Did you get blessed? Hit the share button! Send to WhatsApp too and reach others! God bless you as you do so!


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