Today is Oil For Today – Day 114. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.
Scriptures For Prayers Today
Oil For Today – Day 114
But Noah found kgrace in the eyes of the LORD.
Gen 6:8 (KJV)
Prayer Points For Today
Oil For Today – Day 114
Begin to thank the LORD for today.
Pray for the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ to be with you everyday.
Pray that God sits upon you as a refiner, to purify your life.
Begin to declare that you find grace in the eyes of the LORD today.
Pray for your local assembly; that grace will lift them up.
Begin to declare that God favours you today.
Begin to pray for grace in your relationship/marriage.
Begin to cry ‘Grace, Grace’ to every mountain standing before you.
Go ahead and make your personal requests for the day known to the Lord.
Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayers.
Confession For Today
Oil For Today – Day 114
In the name of Jesus, I find grace and favour. I receive mercy. I find grace to help in the time of need. I fly on the wings of grace. Grace will lift me up. Grace will carry me. I am distinguished by grace. The grace of God sets me apart. I do not abuse the grace and anointing of God over my life. In my relationship/marriage, grace speaks for me. I am a product of the grace of God. The grace of God over my life will not be in vain in Jesus name, amen.
We began this topic few days back. If you missed the part 1, you can read it here.
3. God speaks in the stillness
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
The waters represent the word of the living God. He would lead you by His word in your heart. He would not necessarily speak to you through thunder and lightening neither will He slap you to get your attention, He leads you gently and will never force you to do anything.
He would not speak outside His word. If you cannot hear Him, then you have not been beside the still waters. Maybe, it has been long since you opened your Bible!
The still waters is not in the romantic soap operas or in the football matches. It is not in Time Magazine neither is it in philosophical novels. Not even in John Grisham. If that is all you spend your time doing at the expense of God’s word, you will have a hard time knowing His voice.
You have to consciously dedicate some time for Him, in the mornings, afternoons or nights. You don’t need any pastor or prophet to help you see something. You can see for yourself and you are the prophet of your own life.
Your pastor is to teach and guide you, not give you direction! Your pastor is not to choose a spouse for you; he can give suggestions though. Direction only comes beside the still waters, in God’s word. When you want to hear Him clearly, study His word dearly!
4. Get healed of hurts from broken relationships
He restoreth my soul:
This is pivotal to a successful relationship. Even in marriage, couples can hurt each other so badly they would start considering divorce. Hurts from the treatment you got from you Ex needs healing before proceeding to another relationship, or else that new person will suffer in your hands as a result of the hurts.
How do you get healed of hurts? How do you forgive somebody that cheated you and manipulated you and you are so hurt that you could shoot such a person?
God offers you an invitation to be healed
He restoreth my soul:
Yes, everywhere your soul has been punctured and ruptured, every area where your emotions were trampled, sampled and wrecked, God can and will restore!
He restoreth my soul:
God will reset your soul to factory default, if you allow Him! He will give you the grace to heal from wounds, forgive those who hurt you so that you can move on with your life.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, guide my with your shepherding grace
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Psalm 46:11The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Focus on your marriage to make it work at all costs and against all odds. Lay the bed on your marriage well, so you can enjoy all the beauty in your own marriage. Learn all the principles you need to learn, drop all bad habits you need to drop. Break all pride, cockiness, selfishness, deception, and let your own marriage work.
If you are already separated, decide what you want, walk with God, and let him show you what next to do. Whichever way, God loves you and still wants the very best for you.
How to focus on your own marriage
1. Focus on yourself You are a vital part of that marriage. Discover yourself. Who are you? What are your desires, what makes you come alive, what makes you enjoy living? Love yourself. Be a happy you.
2. Focus on your spouse As a married person, the most important human being on earth is your spouse. Begin to treat him/her as such. Let nothing absolutely come in between that. Let the whole world know, your spouse is so important to you.
Some people treat their wives like ‘one kobo’ and expect her to treat them like ‘ a million dollar’, it ain’t gonna work that way.
Seize every opportunity to let everyone know this one human being is number one on your list.
3. Focus on God Now, it will be very foolish to want to focus on yourself and your spouse and leave God out. It can not work. God is the center that holds the pieces all together. God is the vital force that crowns all our efforts with success.
4. Focus on your strength You have strengths. Whether it’s your beauty, your home-making skills, your intellect, your being jovial, whatever it is, focus on it. It’s your selling point in your marriage. Don’t let go of your strong is what will make your spouse keep coming back to you.
5. Focus on minimizing your weaknesses Don’t ever make the mistake of pretending your weaknesses don’t exist. Don’t ignore them. Your weaknesses have the potential of destroying the marriage you are building, so destroy your weaknesses before they ever destroy your marriage.
6. Focus on satisfying yourselves Why should you spend your energy, time, money on trying to please or satisfy another man’s wife? That’s called wastage.
Don’t go into an unprofitable venture. Ask yourself, if I satisfy her, how does it add to me or make my own marriage better?
Tend your own garden. When it’s harvest time, you won’t go and harvest on another man’s farm. It is not your own, so focus and build your own marriage.
He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding.
Pro 12:11
God bless you and bless your marriage.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY My marriage is blessed
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, teach me to embrace your love
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Isa 49:16 (GW) I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Your walls are always in my presence.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Register, pray and plan to attend camp meeting now
There’s how to give hope to others using words. Words are strong tools that have an enormous strength to give hope to others. They can uplift somebody out of a bad situation.
Words are powerful. When a baby grows to a certain age, he/she is expected to start saying words, no matter how incoherent.
A classmate could be going through hard times at home and your words can give him hope. All the person might need could just be a “Your handwriting is cool”, “I like your shoes”, or “You are pretty”.
Prov 13:12 (NLT) Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.
You don’t know how far your words can go in giving hope to someone who feels like nobody cares or sees him.
Another thing you need to know about words is that words are spirits. Since we know spirits don’t die, then words don’t die as well.
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
John 6:63 (KJV)
So the words you say today will go a long way to determine how your tomorrow will turn out to be.
Be a beacon of hope today. Use your words to raise up someone’s spirit. Give them hope that God loves them no matter what. Make your words count.
Today is Oil For Today – Day 113. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.
Scriptures For Prayers Today
Oil For Today – Day 113
… and the hand of our God was upon us, and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy, and of such as lay in wait by the way.
Ezr 8:31b (KJV)
Prayer Points For Today
Oil For Today – Day 113
Begin to thank the LORD for today.
Begin to pray that the hand of God will rest upon you today.
Pray that you will be led by the hand of God.
Begin to pray that the LORD will deliver you from the hand of the enemy.
Pray that you’re shielded in every journey you make in this season.
Pray for your local assembly; that the hand of the LORD will rest upon her.
Begin to uproot everything that God has not planted in your life today.
Pray that God will deliver you from every pit that has been dug for you.
Go ahead and make your personal requests for the day known to the Lord.
Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayers.
Confession For Today
Oil For Today – Day 113
The hand of the Lord is upon me for good. I am delivered from the enemy. I am kept safe and secure in God. I am protected and defended. No evil will befall me. The mark of protection is upon me. I am led of God everywhere I go. Today, I will not stumble. I will not fail or falter. I will not miss the mark. Every plan of the evil one over my relationship/marriage will not come to light. Every agenda of the wicked will not come to pass in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.