Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me? Before anybody can love you, believe me, you have to love yourself.

Yes, love yourself!

The most Herculean task anybody can embark on is to start loving persons who do not love themselves.

Oh, what a frustrating journey!

The junctions and stops of that pathway is laced with depression, quarrels, several blue days, and emotional blackmails. That is just to mention a few.

Depression will be constant because the person will be most unhappy, always falling into comparison traps and never appreciating himself or herself.

2Co 10:12 (KJV) For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me?

Constant quarrels will percolate the relationship because the other lover will be mostly confused as to why unhappiness clouds the relationship. It is a truism that men are confused when their lover is unexcited about them.

No energy, no passion, no excitement, no anticipation, just going through the motions! It is noteworthy that a relationship can be like that and yet filled with pre-marital sex! They would think sex would solve the problem but it would actually add to the confusion.

Several blue days because the devil will plow such a mind, make negative suggestions, plant assumptions, dampen the little morale left and fill the mind with condemnation darts. The presence of such a person is an effulgence of negative vibes!

Emotional blackmails because such a person is good at excuses, always explaining why things went that way, blaming others for his woes, and making his or her lover take the blame for the failures.

The beginning of solving this issue is to resolve the identity crisis, take a journey into God’s word to discover what God says about you, start refusing negative thoughts and suggestions from the devil, and start walking in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit means listening to hear God and following His direction and wisdom!

Why Can’t I Get Someone To Love Me? One thing you can also do immediately is to saturate your life with the truth of God’s word. Light will always dispel the darkness!

Lastly, be truthful with yourself and stop living in denial. Nobody is able to deal with any situation while still in denial. Confrontation is part of the process of repentance!

May God bless you today!

I love myself and I understand who I am in Christ 


Lord, open my eyes to see me!

2Co 10:12 (TPT) Of course, we wouldn’t dare to put ourselves in the same class or compare ourselves with those who rate themselves so highly. They compare themselves to one another and make up their own standards to measure themselves by, and then they judge themselves by their own standards. What self-delusion!

Stop the Blame game!

2Co 10


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