Continued from yesterday…
For previous day devotional, go HERE
“Ok, what about Nancy. She surely has all the physical attributes you wanted.”
“She doesn’t speak in tongues.”
“What about that Sister that sits near the door?”
“Which one of them?”
“That beautiful sister that you dated about three months ago that the Pastor said you fit yourselves”
“Ah. Ngozi! Beautiful, spiritual tongue talking, the hips, the lips, and tips are complete, right statistics, brilliant and very warm.”
“So, why didn’t it work out?”
“She is no longer a virgin!” I told God I will marry a virgin.”
“You told, God, or God told you? Are you the one that will dictate to God?”
“It is not about dictation, it is about my desires.”
“But did you find out His own desires for you?”
“I know what I want.”
“It is not enough to know what you want. You must also know what God wants for you. You yourself, are you a virgin?”
“Not really.”
“So, is your desire fair and just? Your mind seems confused. If you are not careful, it will be long before you get married.”
“Why do you say so?”
“Stop stressing yourself, with all you want and what you don’t want.
Relax in God and allow Him to lead you. Stop all these nonsensical lists you are making because you will never find anybody that conforms to your lists and desires a hundred percent.”
“Unless you want to order for a robot that will be built to your specifications”
“So, what should I do?”
“Go and pray and let God’s Spirit lead you. When you embrace God’s leading, you will find out you have made the right choice in the end. God knows the right statistics that a lady will become in another five years and ten years that will still fit into what your desires are. Allow Him to lead you. Your brain is too small to lead you.”
“Will God also take into consideration the pulchritude?”
“Then, I will follow God.”
“You had better do so. Pray and look around. She is around you. She will not fall from heaven. Ask God to open your eyes of understanding to see beyond your nose and stop making carnal fleshly decisions.”
“I hear!”
“I pray for you, you will not miss God in Jesus name! God will lead and establish His marital plans in your life in Jesus name!”
“I need to go now! I have an appointment with my fiancée!”
I will not miss it in marriage.
Lord, open my eyes to the realities of life.
Romans 14:17 [KJV]For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Pray for insight
Esth 5