Waiting is never easy. Whether you’re single or married, we all find ourselves in seasons where patience is tested. Maybe you’re waiting for Mr. Right to come into your life, or waiting for a date to lead to something meaningful. For married couples, it might be waiting for the blessing of a child or a breakthrough in another area.
But here’s the truth: God’s Word never fails. Our anchor scripture for the year is this.
“The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.” – Isaiah 60:22 (NLT)
Did you see that? At the right time. God’s timing isn’t random—it’s always perfect. He knows when you’re ready, and He knows when the circumstances are aligned for His plan to unfold.
Think about the story of Lazarus. Everyone thought Jesus was late, but He wasn’t. He showed up exactly when He meant to, and what seemed like a delay became a miracle. If Jesus had shown up earlier, maybe people might not have believed him.
Sometimes, we wait because God is still preparing us. Imagine what would’ve happened if Moses had tried to deliver Israel before he was ready. Well, he did, and it was a disaster! It took 40 years in the wilderness for him to grow into the leader God needed. Similarly, Abraham and Sarah also tried to help God by fast-tracking his promise of a child, and their impatience brought unnecessary complications. Even Jesus, the Son of God, waited for the right time to begin His ministry.
So if you’re waiting, trust that there’s purpose in the process. Use this time wisely. If you’re trusting God for the children, learn about parenting so you’re prepared when the blessing comes. If you’re single, work on becoming the best version of yourself—someone who can nurture and build a healthy relationship. The waiting season isn’t a punishment; it’s an opportunity for growth.
And when the right time comes, God will make it happen. You won’t have to force it, and you won’t feel unprepared. It will flow naturally because it’s His perfect timing.
May we not miss God’s timing for our lives.
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