Continued from yesterday…
There are some of us that hold our parents in derision. You are wrong to do that.
But my parents are not born-again!
You see, the scripture never says you should honour your born-again parents!
He said you should honour your parents! That is how to last on the planet earth! So that your days will be long!
In fact, a particular translation says, honour your parents so that God can say well done to you!
Some of you are having delays in marriage because you are walking in disobedience. If your parents have ever said wrong words to you because you were at loggerheads with them, go back to them and apologize.
Humble yourself, so that you won’t slow yourself down. Dishonouring your parents and refusing to forgive them can cost you your life! Read your Bible very well.
Go back to them, buy a gift, prostrate or kneel down and ask them to bless you! That act alone will be better off than ninety days of fasting and prayers, which might not yield results because of unforgiving spirit.
Why waste your time praying? Isn’t that a religious spirit at work?
Married couples, be quick to forgive each other! Don’t allow strife in your family. Forgive your spouse. You will do yourself a lot of good if you do that. If you don’t forgive him or her, your prayers will be hindered. Don’t block God’s blessings over you at this time.
If you have been in prolonged hurt and strife, it is dangerous. End it today and allow God’s blessing to flow in your family. Leave your ego behind and obey God. Take your wife out, buy her a gift and apologize!
Go to your husband and kneel down and ask for forgiveness. It is not old fashioned; it is scripture!
Let go and let God! Let it be a beginning of a new day for you and yours! Let go of everybody you are holding in your mind. Burn your little black book of offences and stop recording hurts.
Delete them not only from your memory but from recycle bin as well. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of them are the issues of life.
May God help you and give you the strength to forgive all you need to forgive in Jesus name!
I choose to forgive all who have hurt me
Ask for the grace to forgive all who have hurt you
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19 ESV)
Forgive and forget
Psalm 7-11