Reading Time: < 1 minute

The power of your words cannot be overemphasized. The destiny of any child can be shaped by the parents, long before the child is born.

Words declared over the baby go a long way to determine how the baby will turn out to be. That is why fathers are called upon to declare blessings over the child at the point of naming.

We see an example in the bible.

Luke 1:76 [KJV]And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;

This was Zechariah praying for his child. He prophesied over his child. He spoke into the future of his child. He declared positive words into the life of his son. He declared God’s word over the baby. The power of your words over your children is great.

This that Zechariah did is what parents ought to do from time to time. From a tender age, learn to declare faith-filled words into the lives of your children.

It is not too late to start. Regardless of how old your children are, you can still speak into their future. Yes, speak! The power of your words over your kids is great.

You can decide how their tomorrow will eventually turn out with the words of your mouth.

My children will make an impact in life, in Jesus name. Amen

Action point:
Start declaring positive words over your children.

My children will inherit the earth. They will rise higher and higher. They are not limited by anything. They are God lovers.

Read yesterday’s article here


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