Reading Time: 2 minutes

You should learn how to watch your thoughts. Everyone has a responsibility. And as we grow older and scale different milestones, our responsibilities increase.

There are consequences for when we carry out or do not carry out our responsibilities.

As a child, you might ask, “What is my responsibility? I am just a child, why should I be responsible?”

Know this, you are responsible for three things – your WORDS, THOUGHTS, and ACTIONS.

These three things are important.

Your thoughts come from within you. They can be positive or negative, that is good or bad.

Bad thoughts tend to come from having issues with others and if not quickly checked, can damage your spirit, mind, and body. You should learn how to watch your thoughts.

Have you ever seen a mango with a black spot on it? If the rot stays on longer, it enters deep into the fruit till the whole fruit becomes rotten.

You have to throw that fruit away. I don’t think anyone would want to eat it.

For instance, someone steps on your toes in class. What hurts more was that the person didn’t even say sorry. You begin to harbour ill thoughts towards the person and think of ways to pay them back.

It can get to the stage that when you see them or someone mentions their name, you frown your face. This shows unforgiveness.

It’s unhealthy for your spirit, mind, and body. Sometimes, some health issues are a result of unforgiveness.

Yes, the person stepped on you but you have a responsibility to not allow the person’s action to affect you that much.

Look at these verses:

The Lord hates evil thoughts. But he is pleased with kind words. Prov. 15: 26 ICB.

Look at another

The Lord looks into a person’s feelings. He searches through a person’s thoughts. Prov. 20:17 ICB

Here is yet another

Be careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. Prov. 4:23 ICB

Are they saying something to you?
One good way to control your thoughts is through prayer. Pray and ask God for help to forgive so you can be forgiven too. So learn how to watch your thoughts by praying.

Dear God, help me with my thoughts. Amen

Action point:
What are your thoughts towards others? Are they good or bad?

My children do not think ill. Their thoughts are guided by the word.

Read yesterday’s article here


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