The Marriage Quadrant
These are simply the four most important persons in a marriage or relationship setting that will make it balanced and blissful. We all desire blissful marriages, but have you asked yourself why is it so far-fetched? I think the answer lies in this quadrant of marriage. Know these and know peace
This quadrant includes (not in any particular order)
1. God
2. The person of the Holy Spirit
3. The wife
4. The husband
Knowing each person in this quadrant will go a long way in making a success of your marriage. These four persons are key and are also interwoven. Knowing one at the expense of the other could be detrimental to the success of the union.
It is to be noted that the husband and the wife (fiance and fiancee as the case may be if in a relationship). They are both given the responsibility to first know God, then themselves, appreciate themselves, understand themselves, and celebrate themselves before trying to know and figure out the other person.
As I said earlier the knowledge of all four persons is very important and each has its place.
1. God – the big G
He is the sovereign God who rules in the affairs of men and wants the take the wheel in every life if He is permitted. God instituted marriage and He already figured out that we will have directions and instructions both for our lives and for our marriage. So each of us is to follow this Manual. The extent to which we follow it is the extent to which we will know peace in our home and marriage. God cannot be wrong, so also His word. Follow His instructions to the letter for marriage and you are good to go.
Are you getting blessed? I will continue on this tomorrow by God’s grace. Have a fantastic day!
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