Blueprints for a Successful Marriage and Home by Bishop Oyedepo
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Blueprints for a Successful Marriage and Home by Bishop Oyedepo.
Before we dive into today’s devotional, I want to wish you a happy new month! God bless you massively! This month, God has given us a word! You will SING a NEW SONG! I’m expecting your testimonies!

The enemy has targeted the family as his number one priority to attack and prevent a Successful Marriage and Home. Bishop Oyedepo shares in his YouTube video titled “How To Build A Successful Home” how to protect your home through the power of God’s Word and have it overflowing with miracles instead of darkness.
1. The Enemy’s Target: The Family.
As we learn from Genesis, Satan was personally introduced as soon as the first family was established by God. His very first activity on earth was directed towards destroying this family unit. Satan appeared immediately after God had concluded the first marriage between Adam and Eve.
Satan knew that the family was central to God’s plan and purpose. By attacking the home, he could undermine what God was establishing. Even today, the home remains one of Satan’s top priorities to infiltrate and dismantle. Whether it is causing strife between husbands and wives or turning children away from their parents, Satan will do anything to wreck God’s design for families.
2. Jesus’ Counter: Establishing Joy at a Wedding.
In direct contrast, the first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding in Cana to save the celebration. Jesus appeared where Satan had sought to destroy, in the context of marriage and family.
By turning water into wine, Jesus brought joy to the newlywed couple on what should have been a happy occasion. He established that his mandate was to give life abundantly. Just as Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus came so that we may have life more plentifully.
This miracle sets the stage for Jesus to undo all of Satan’s works. It showed his heart was for restoring families and taking away any shame that the enemy tried to bring. Wherever Satan brought sorrow, Jesus promises joy instead. Jesus showed His support for a Successful Marriage and Home.
3. Do Whatever God Tells You To Do.
Bishop Oyedepo highlights the servants’ obedience as the key to Jesus performing miracles. When he told them to fill the water pots, they did so fully without question. This is one of the blueprints of a Successful Marriage and Home.
If we want to see miracles in our homes, we must do whatever God says – not half-heartedly, but to the fullest extent. When His Word calls us to honor our spouse, forgive easily, or put our kids first – we must obey without limit. Full obedience unlocks God’s power.
4. Fill the “Water Pots” with the Word.
The servants were filling the pots with water, but the passage likens the water to God’s Word. When we fill our minds and homes with scripture, speaking it over our situations, we position ourselves for miracles.
God’s Word has the power to transform every area, just as the water became wine. Make time each day to read the Bible and pray its truths over your family and you will enjoy a Successful Marriage and Home.
5. Miracles Will Be the Result.
When the servants obeyed Jesus fully by filling the pots to the brim with water, the scripture says he then told them to draw some out and take it to the governor of the feast. And when the ruler tasted it, he declared it the best wine of all – even though it had just been turned from water moments before.
In the same way, when we obey God’s Word completely for our families and homes, miracles will be the inevitable result. Where there was lack, abundance will come. Trouble will turn to triumph. And what the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good beyond what we could ask or think.
Through obedience, our families can be transformed from average to excellent – far surpassing what people expect. So make the choice today to do all that God instructs for your home. Miracles will follow!
6. Avoid Strife.
Bishop Oyedepo noted that Satan works by spreading unauthorized information to cause strife. But God’s people have a distinct advantage – we are called to walk in the light of His Word. To have a Successful Marriage and Home you have to avoid strafe!
7. Walk in the Word and Hear God, Not Men.
When gossip, rumors, or doubts come our way, the Bible instructs us to test everything and hold fast to what is good. We must determine if a message lines up with Scripture or comes from an ungodly source meant to deceive. By hearing God’s voice above all others, no weapon formed against our home can prosper (Isaiah 54:17). His truth protects us from the enemy’s schemes. We will stop here today and continue tomorrow.
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