Done Deal: He Will See To It
Reading Time: 2 minutesDone Deal: He Will See To It
Yesterday, while in church, I was getting ready to mount the pulpit when I was led to these verses and it was a spur-of-the-moment revelation. I would like to share this with you this morning. You are going to be blessed!
We have been looking at gratitude and this word only comes to validate it more.
Let’s dive into the river of God’s word!
2Ch 32:24 (MSG) Some time later Hezekiah became deathly sick. He prayed to GOD and was given a reassuring sign.
So this guy was sick and the doctor must have told him he would die. He prayed and God came through for him.
Now see the next verse.
2Ch 32:25 (MSG) But the sign, instead of making Hezekiah grateful, made him arrogant. This made GOD angry, and his anger spilled over on Judah and Jerusalem.
After God reassured him he wouldn’t die, he wasn’t grateful! Rather he was filled with arrogance. He never gave glory to God!
This made God angry towards him and the entire cities he presided over.
How many of us are right on this table, not giving glory to God, prayed for a job and after getting the job, refused to pay tithe, prayed for a spouse, and after the wedding, asking God what kind of marriage the is?
But I like what Hezekiah did.
2Ch 32:26 (MSG) But then Hezekiah, and Jerusalem with him, repented of his arrogance, and GOD withdrew his anger while Hezekiah lived.
God wasn’t pleased at his arrogance! But the guy was smart. He repented and you can do the same. Recent of arrogance and ascribe all gratefulness to God! I wonder what would have happened to him if God didn’t withdraw His anger.
Done Deal: He Will See To It
The next verse will amaze you!
2Ch 32:27 (MSG) Hezekiah ended up very wealthy and much honored. He built treasuries for all his silver, gold, precious stones, spices, shields, and valuables,
Wow! The devil didn’t want this for him when he made him arrogant!
As you give honour to God, you will end up wealthy!
And then check this:
2Ch 32:29 (MSG) He founded royal cities for himself and built up huge stocks of sheep and cattle. God saw to it that he was extravagantly rich.
He found cities! Wow! But that is not even what is tripping me! It’s the last sentence!
God saw to it that he was extravagantly rich.
This morning, as you decide to be grateful always, God will SEE TO IT that you are extravagantly rich!
This message is so vast and deep. Meditate on it. Good morning!