How To Save Your Marriage With Your Mouth

How To Save Your Marriage With Your Mouth

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Life is about challenges. Without these challenges, there will not be opportunities for thrust and lift. That you are a child of God will not exempt you from having your own share. But what I love so much is what Jesus really said that we have already overcome. I love that!

I know you are facing one thing or the other. I don’t have a child yet. I have children, but they are wayward. My husband is not responsible. My wife is not cooperative. My husband is too hard and never listens. My wife is not submissive. My in-laws are my enemies. My husband listens more to his mum. My mum is not welcome in our house. And the list goes on and on. Issues are in the billions, as numerous as humans on earth.

I want to talk to you this morning about one the most powerful weapon God has given you to overcome situations.

What the Bible says in each situation we find ourselves is a very great weapon in our hands to overcome such situations.

Most people don’t know anything about the Bible or about the potency of God’s word. The result is that a lot of people live in defeat despite the victory that has been wrought for them by Jesus Christ.

The truth is that words are powerful. Now when those words are spoken by God, it makes all the difference! The reason God’s words are powerful is because words are as powerful as the person who speaks the word. We all know God is all powerful!

When you find yourself in a marriage or life issue, the first thing you should do is to go into the scriptures and find out what God said about the situation.

You can confront that marriage issues and problems with the power of the spoken word. What you say matters a lot.

As believers, you have access into the promises of God. Take these promises and meditate on them until they are rooted in your heart. It then flows out naturally from your mouth.

Once the words are in your heart, start speaking what God said and not what the situation is.

Somebody says ‘would I not be telling a lie? No, God’s word is the truth! The situation is a fact, but truth is higher than a fact, so you use your mouth to superimpose the truth on the fact, and because God cannot lie, He deploys every available resources including angelic interventions to make sure what you said come to pass. No problem or challenge can withstand God’s word. Try Him today!

Take authority over that issue. Your mouth is your might. Keep saying what you want to see and not what you are seeing.

Stay stubbornly on God’s word until you see the travail of your heart. Do not cave in or give up, hold on to the horns of the altar.

I see God turning that situation around for you. Lift up your hand and thank Him for that!

I love God’s word.

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding in Jesus name.

Heb 4:12 MSG God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.

Take a promise of God’s word and meditate on it.

2Chron 25


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Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 3

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 3. Continued from yesterday… We have been looking at ways to prevent you from falling into adulterous relationships.

I mentioned that if you can do these four things, you will be doing yourself a lot of good to guard against adultery.

1. Guard your mind

2. Guard your heart

3. Guard your mouth

4. Guard your body

Having identified ways to guard against adultery, what do you do next?

Keep your heart. Don’t be given to unproductive discussions with people who have no regard for God. Deliberately avoid such people that you know will influence you negatively! Be selective with your associations.

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. – Pro 4:23 KJV

Message Translations says:

Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. – Pro 4:23 MSG

What else to do?

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; -1Pe 1:13 KJV

Take up the loose ends of your mind and tuck them in. Do not allow your mind to ramble endlessly on just anything. Be deliberate in filling your heart with God’s word.

Amplified version puts it this way

So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert); set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed. -1Pe 1:13 AMP

If you are already entangled in adultery, seek help immediately. Destroy that which seeks to destroy you. Open up to trusted mentors or any other authority figure. Just opening up to the right person weakens the power of iniquity. If you hide it, you are ensnared by it. 

I pray that the help you need at this time be available for you in Jesus name!

I guard my heart, mind, mouth, and body. I take responsibility for the things I do.

Lord, let the fear and love of God keep me on the right path in Jesus Name

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Have a ‘to do list’ Plan today. Replace every wrong thought with God’s word 

Ezek 25


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Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 2

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 2.

Happy New Month to all partners and members of KHC. This month, your dreams shall become a reality.

From the first to the third of March, we will be waiting on God in fasting and prayers. If you are in Ibadan, Nigeria, join us by 6 pm at Shouts of Grace Center, Joke Plaza, beside Trans Amusement park, Bodija-Ui road, Ibadan.

Now, to today’s devotional which is continued from yesterday.

3. Guard your mouth

At this stage also, you begin to verbalize your desire and intention to spend more time with him or her. You no longer hide your compliments. That which has been entrenched in your heart through your thoughts begins to find expression through your mouth because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

You tell him/her how much you desire him. You both begin to enjoy talks that have to do with sex and how it is not so harmful to have an affair with someone other than your spouse. You both talk about the negatives of your spouses and find comfort in each other. You talk about the good, bad, and the ugly, you simply talk and talk. You talk about anything and everything.

At this stage, light pecks and kisses also begin.

4. Guard your body

Just as the body moves in the direction of our words, you set yourself in the mood for an adulterous affair. Your body begins to respond to your emotional words to each other. Words are that powerful. Actually, the scripture says words are spirits, and you know spirits don’t die!

You may begin with a suggestive then seductive body language and movement. You begin to give expression to what has always been in your heart, a kiss there, a tight hug, holding hands, unguarded touches at sexually stimulating parts of the body, eye contact, etc.

At this stage, jeru trap is just a step away. The day you are alone together (out of reach of other people) then your bodies come together in a sexual affair.

To be continued…

I guard my heart, mind, mouth, and body. I take responsibility for the things I do.

Lord, let the fear and love of God keep me on the right path in Jesus Name

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Have a ‘to do list’ Plan today. Replace every wrong thought with God’s word 

Ezek 20-21


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Five Questions To Ask When There Is Fear

Five Questions To Ask When There Is Fear

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Fear is palpable in the air. Bandits and herdsmen are ravaging the land. People in their hundreds are being kidnapped or killed. Covid did its own. A good investment today is to invest in hand sanitizers and nose masks.

In the midst of all these, and as a child of God, here are some questions that need answers from Psalms 91.

1. Where are you dwelling?

Verse1 : He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The word dwell is important. It means to stay and take permanent residence. His protection over my life and your life is predicated on my proximity to His presence. My vulnerability increases when I stroll away from His presence. When I dabble into unrepentant sins, my protection is no longer guaranteed. Disobedience can be costly.

Thank God for His grace, but shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? You have to dwell. That is the secret of abiding. When you abide, you are protected. When you are entangled with sexual sins, you are no longer in the secret place; you are in an open place, an easy target of the evil one! The more Samson sinned; the more his vulnerability increased. Sin is a destroyer, but His mercy beckons, and it is never too late to make amend.

2. What are you saying?

Verse 2: I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

In the spiritual realm, your mouth is your might. What are you saying? What a man utters can lead him into the gutter. With the mouth, you confess that Jesus is Lord, and your life is altered for good. With the mouth, a man can make commitments to the devil and his soul is sold. Are you speaking faith or verbalizing fear?

Your life will always move in the direction of your words. Learn to speak God’s word always by putting His word in your heart. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The power of life and death lies in your tongue!

3. Do you know you are delivered?

Verse 3: Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

His provision for your deliverance is not an afterthought. It has been settled. The word, is “SURELY” It is settled. You will not be a victim of kidnap. The snare of the devil is broken, we have escaped.

4. Do you really trust Him? Is His truth your shield and buckler?

Verse 4: He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

His feathers cover you. Those feathers are impenetrable. Do you trust in His everlasting arms to protect you? The word ‘trust” is a strong word. Think about it. Do you really trust Him? It is your trust in Him that delivers the good. Remember how you trusted your mum or your dad when you were little? His truth is His word. That is your shield and buckler. God’s word, studied daily becomes your protection!

5. Have you made the choice of refusing to fear?

Verse 5 & 6 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day, Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

Thou shall not be afraid…there will be things that will scare the life out of you, there will be things that will shake the foundation of your faith, there will be life-threatening issues that will cause you to sweat in an air-conditioned room, there will be happenstances that will cause your heart to palpitate, there will be news that will unsettle you and seek to break you down…but in all of that, the instruction is very clear, thou shall not be afraid! It is a choice you have to make because your response will make all the difference!

Nighttime: There is a terror
Day time: There is an arrow that flieth..
Darkest time: There is a pestilence that walketh…
Brightest time or noonday: There is a destruction that wasteth…

In all of this, you must not be afraid because

At all times: There is God in heaven, there is Jesus with me, and there is the Spirit of God living in me!

The terror, the arrow, the pestilence, and the destruction are all invalidated over my life, because of the Holy One of Israel, the Lord of Hosts is His name!

I am not afraid. God has got me covered. There is no fear in me.

Lord, deliver me from the terror by night and put me where there is no fear

Ps 91:1 [KJV] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Decide to dwell in the secret place where there is no fear

Ps 91


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The Difference Between Love And Lust

The Difference Between Love And Lust

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Our generation is beleaguered with so much pressure that believers are even compromising heavily, and yet the truth is that God will not lower or change his standard because of the peculiarity of our generation or the pressures of our environment. God’s word remains forever. Love differs from lust.

Look at the following verse:

Eph 4:17 KJV
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,’

The Spirit of God writing through Paul here says, as children of God, we cannot walk as the unbelievers walk. There has to be a distinguishing. We cannot be lumped together. Our light must shine in the midst of darkness. We must stand out. The life of God in us will not allow us to live carelessly.

Message translation says we cannot move with the crowd!

Eph 4:17 MSG
And so I insist–and God backs me up on this–that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd.

You as a child of God cannot flow with the tide. Having done all, you’ve got to stand, unmoved, unshaken and unyielded to the grip of iniquity.

Verse 20 says:

Eph 4:20 KJV
But ye have not so learned Christ;

That is not what we learn about Christ when we gave our life to Christ. At what point did we accommodate the devil’s antics into the program of our lives? At what point did we think that as a child of God, you can be dating three people at a time? At what point did we somehow believe that God does not mind us having emotional affairs that our spouses are not aware of?

At what point did we start combining a life of fornication with a life of leading others in worship? At what point did pastors think they can go free with sleeping with naïve church members because they are anointed? That is not how we learned Christ!

Take a look more at the scriptures:

Eph 5:1 MSG
Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents.

Amplified version says to be imitators of God. How do we do that when we cannot see Him? We watch what He does by watching what He has done in His word. As we read God’s word, we learn His ways and we understand how we are supposed to live here.

Let’s look at the next verse:

Eph 5:2 MSG
Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.

You’ve got to learn a life of love and not a life of lust. God did not love in order to get something from us! The moment you say you are in love with a person and then you want something you can get, either money or fun, you have moved from love into lust. People ask me, how can I know whether he or she loves me? That is the answer right there!

Love wants to improve the other person’s life, not deplete it. If you are in a relationship with a person, and your Christian life goes down, watch it. God will not lead you into a relationship where all you have is the anguish of the soul, a life iniquity, and a life full of lust. You cannot tell me you love a lady whom you have impregnated thrice and paid for abortions. That is not love!

Look at the next verse:

Eph 5:3 MSG
Don’t allow love to turn into lust, setting off a downhill slide into sexual promiscuity, filthy practices, or bullying greed.

The moment you get involved in some perversion; that is no longer love. It’s lust. How can two believers who are not married be compromising habitually? That is no longer love! If the guys end up in bullying greed, always having his way, and even quoting scripture to justify a sinful lifestyle, that is no longer love.

Let’s conclude with the next verse:

Eph 5:4 MSG
Though some tongues just love the taste of gossip, Christians have better uses for language than that. Don’t talk dirty or silly. That kind of talk doesn’t fit our style. Thanksgiving is our dialect.

As children of God, you should have better uses of your mouth than gossip. Don’t join some others to tear apart your leaders after a church service. Something is not quite right with that. Stop tearing apart your Pastor’s wife.

The scripture advises, don’t talk dirty or silly. Why? That is the same mouth you are supposed to use to confess your way into what you want to possess.

Dirty and silly talk doesn’t fit our style. You cannot be using the ‘F” word and tell me God is okay with that! That is not our style. Our style doesn’t permit punctuating every word with the ‘F” word or with words like ‘Shit!’ Why? Thanksgiving is our dialect! You see it right there. All these things matter!

Conclusively, Amplified version puts it this way:

Eph 5:4 AMP
Let there be no filthiness (obscenity, indecency) nor foolish and sinful (silly and corrupt) talk, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting or becoming; but instead voice your thankfulness [to God].

Call God to help you and cleanse you if you have the need to, He is always there to bail you out, if you make up your mind.


I love appropriately. I am not filled with lust

Pray that God should cleanse you

Ephesians 4:17 (CSB) “Therefore, I say this and testify in the Lord: You should no longer live as the Gentiles live, in the futility of their thoughts.”

Use your mouth wisely

Eph 4


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