Let The Couples Lecture The Singles

Let The Couples Lecture The Singles

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Let The Couples Lecture The Singles

Good morning dear one! So, you’re still flying solo, and it’s awesome. But ever wondered what all those people in married life are experiencing and learning? Well, here is a little insight into what marriage teaches you that might just leave you amazed.

1. Love Isn’t Just a Feeling. It’s an Action Movie

Yes, you must have heard about love. And you probably think you know pretty much about the subject… But in marriage, it’s like the action edition packed. 

You don’t just say, “I love you” when everything is cool. You show it when things are going real and getting hot! 

Ephesians 5:25 talks of loving as Christ loved the Church. That is hard-core, love in action, not when it feels right, but especially when it is painful and you don’t feel like it!

2. Forgiveness: A Compulsory Course You Can’t Carry Over!

Harboring grudges? That is not part of a good habit! Married people learn super quick that forgiveness isn’t just being nice; it’s pretty much a must. Marriage is a union of two forgivers!  As it says in Colossians 3:13, forgive as the Lord forgave you. It’s about dropping that baggage and moving forward, together. It’s relieving yourself from emotional prison.

3. Two Heads Are Better Than One

I am not talking about a two-headed monster. Have you ever tried to solve a problem with a friend rather than by yourself? It’s usually quite easier, right? That’s the deal with marriage: you’ve got a partner in crime (the good kind!). Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 nails it. Two can do way more. When one falls, there is somebody to lift him. That is a divine partnership!

4. Not Just The Moment 

Marriage makes you think long-term, way past the latest trends, or your Instagram feed. It’s all about building something that lasts. Something of meaning. What married folk get to see, time and time again, are front rows of what matters: love, family, faith, and making a difference. It’s about the big picture, not just the flashy moments.

Marriage has its lessons, and being single comes with its lessons, too. Keep learning all you can learn as singles and couples. Never stop investing in your relationship and marriage! When family life collapses, it affects every other area! Invest in your relationship and marriage today! 


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