Reading Time: 3 minutes

COUPLES – Men, Tend Your Garden

The word ‘blossom’ creates a picture of a fruit tree having flowers. It depicts a season when the plant has grown, increased, and now bears flowers, showing it will soon bear fruit.

A lady is always associated with ‘blossom’, ‘flower’, ‘fruitful’, which depicts their ability to procreate and of course, the beauty they possess.

‘Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house and your children like olive plants round about your table’. –Psalms 128:3

The scripture today is about a wife becoming a fruitful vine. The vine is an interesting plant. It is a twining; coiling tender plant that produces grapes used for wine.

It is interesting to know that a tender plant that needs support eventually produces the all-important grapes used for wine. You do not want to joke with wine. It is served at parties, offered to dignitaries, it is medicinal, it shows prosperity, it makes merry and it is always found during joyous occasions.

As a man, the lady you are married to has great potentials but you as the vinedresser or gardener have the responsibility of bringing out the best in her.

Now read this carefully. You will never find a perfect woman or wife. God will always give you a raw material, and you as her head and crown can develop her into what God wants for her by the instrumentality of God’s word, your love for her, a lot of patience, and a lot of prayers.

Am I shifting the ladies’ responsibility of productivity to the guys?

No. I am only saying that there is an environment you can create for your wife that will cause her to blossom, be more fruitful and maximize her potential.

Remember whatever she becomes, she will still be ‘by the sides of thine house’. That side does not mean ‘hidden’ or in a corner, it means right at the door. She occupies a conspicuous part of your life.

Married men, know that your wives are your precious asset. Accept her, love her and be determined to help her blossom.

Yes, she might be like a wild, unfruitful olive vine, but ask God to help you. God anointed you as a husband to make your wife blossom. You can do it by God’s grace if you trust and seek his help.

Dear wives, please submit to the leadership role of your husband. God anointed him for you so you can blossom. Until you are submitted to him, you will not be all you can be, your full capacity. Your submission to him is a lot of wisdom because that is when you can truly blossom.

I know some of you might be hurt and bitter over issues in the past, and you are rightly justified to feel so, but remaining in that state will worsen things and slow you down.

Don’t close up your spirits on your husband, forgive again and again and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Don’t give up; rather, keep on trusting God for the best.

Don’t try to retaliate by opening yourself up to affairs. That will usher in more demons to afflict your home.

Always remember this, the wisdom you need to resolve the present issue lies with God.

I pray for your home this day that God will surround you with His love, you will blossom in Jesus name. You will burst forth with the full manifestation of your gifting in Jesus name.

Men, receive grace and wisdom to be the best that God has called you to be over your wife and your home!

I am like a fruitful vine beside my husband’s house.

Father, I receive help to be all you desire me to be.

Thy wife shall be like a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house’ Psalms 128:3

Be deliberate about your marriage.

Ezekiel 13


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