Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear God
Well, you start writing a letter with the word “Dear” and God much likes it when you call Him that.

Have you ever wondered how writing a letter to God would be like? It’s pretty much simple. Just pick a writing pad, notebook, or something to write on and start to write.

After starting with a “Dear God”, you tell Him why He is so great and powerful, why you love Him, and why people praise and worship Him.

Then begin to thank Him for what He has done for you, your parents, siblings, friends and people around you. It’s good to thank Him for not only what He has done for you but for others too.

Move on to laying your requests before Him. Tell Him what you need and it’s not like He doesn’t know but He wants you to still say it. He says you should ask Him of anything and He will answer, that it’s what He hears you say that He will do.

Ask in faith and not in fear, knowing that your heavenly Father is able to do far more than you can ever imagine. Ask knowing that He hears your prayers.

“Behold, I am the Lord , the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for Me?”
(Jeremiah 32:27) AMP

Then bring in some more praise and worship as you thank Him for a time in His presence. Thank Him for answered prayers. Give Him the glory and honor due to His name. Don’t forget to close with a faith-filled “In Jesus’ name.”

Of course, you should put your name at the end because all letters end with the name of the writer.
How about you write a letter to God write now, starting with ‘Dear God.”

May the Lord answer all your prayers. Amen.


Lord, I come before You in praise and worship. I adore and exalt Your name.

Action plan:

Write out your prayer list before you start your letter so that you can remember all that you want to write to God.

Read yesterday’s article here


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