Reading Time: 2 minutes

Life is about challenges. Without these challenges, there will not be opportunities for thrust and lift. That you are a child of God will not exempt you from having your own share. But what I love so much is what Jesus really said that we have already overcome. I love that!

I know you are facing one thing or the other. I don’t have a child yet. I have children, but they are wayward. My husband is not responsible. My wife is not cooperative. My husband is too hard and never listens. My wife is not submissive. My in-laws are my enemies. My husband listens more to his mum. My mum is not welcome in our house. And the list goes on and on. Issues are in the billions, as numerous as humans on earth.

I want to talk to you this morning about one the most powerful weapon God has given you to overcome situations.

What the Bible says in each situation we find ourselves is a very great weapon in our hands to overcome such situations.

Most people don’t know anything about the Bible or about the potency of God’s word. The result is that a lot of people live in defeat despite the victory that has been wrought for them by Jesus Christ.

The truth is that words are powerful. Now when those words are spoken by God, it makes all the difference! The reason God’s words are powerful is because words are as powerful as the person who speaks the word. We all know God is all powerful!

When you find yourself in a marriage or life issue, the first thing you should do is to go into the scriptures and find out what God said about the situation.

You can confront that marriage issues and problems with the power of the spoken word. What you say matters a lot.

As believers, you have access into the promises of God. Take these promises and meditate on them until they are rooted in your heart. It then flows out naturally from your mouth.

Once the words are in your heart, start speaking what God said and not what the situation is.

Somebody says ‘would I not be telling a lie? No, God’s word is the truth! The situation is a fact, but truth is higher than a fact, so you use your mouth to superimpose the truth on the fact, and because God cannot lie, He deploys every available resources including angelic interventions to make sure what you said come to pass. No problem or challenge can withstand God’s word. Try Him today!

Take authority over that issue. Your mouth is your might. Keep saying what you want to see and not what you are seeing.

Stay stubbornly on God’s word until you see the travail of your heart. Do not cave in or give up, hold on to the horns of the altar.

I see God turning that situation around for you. Lift up your hand and thank Him for that!

I love God’s word.

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding in Jesus name.

Heb 4:12 MSG God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.

Take a promise of God’s word and meditate on it.

2Chron 25


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