Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To Love Your Wife Accordingly.

Wives ought to respect their husbands as a service to the Lord. That is the order of God. To make something worthwhile of the marriage institution, we have to follow His order.

Only when we follow God’s order do we experience the fullness of God’s blessings.

Husbands are commanded to love their own wives. This commandment does not exclude any husband. You are to take that wife of yours and love her, obeying God.

Love means several things to several women. Husbands are to love their wives based on what the wives see as love. You have to learn and speak your wife’s love language.

For example, you don’t give your wife flowers for her birthday when she loves chocolates. You have to love your wife not based on what love means to you but on what love means to her.

Women have basic needs and it is part of the husband’s responsibility to see to it that he meets these basic needs.

However, we should note that our husbands will never to able to fill the void in our hearts meant to be filled by God.

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God is love and to effectively love your wife, you have to know God. The Bible says those who walk with the wise will be wise and the companion of fools shall be destroyed.  So if we walk with God, we are guaranteed wisdom. It will simply rub off on us.

Every husband has a mandate in their life to love that woman. Love her with all your heart and let your love be genuine.

Understand her person and cherish her. You cannot love your wife and maltreat her.  You cannot love her and belabor her with house chores without offering a helping hand.

Care for her and be sensitive to her needs and feelings. You also have to correct her because love does not seek your wife’s destruction. As a husband, it is your duty to also forgive her because love covers a multitude of sins.

In fact, 1 Cor 13, the love chapter, should be the manual for all husbands

May God pour the love of God into every husbands’ heart for their wives in a new way in Jesus name

God bless your marriage.

I seek to understand my spouse

Lord I receive grace to understand my spouse more

1Pe 3:8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous

Be patient to understand your spouse

1Pet 3
