Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday we looked at first discovering what your dream is concerning your future exploits. Today let’s look at how you can dream big.

First, pray to God for help because He knows all about your life, even before you were born…

“…you saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any one of them began”. Psalms 139: 16 GNB.

From the above verse you can see that God knows all about you. He knows what you will become, how you will do so, how far you will do so and more. That’s why He is the person you should speak to concerning this issue (your dream).

Also, as you think of what you want to become, how big do you see yourself walking in that role? If you have a gift for art, how far do you see your artworks going? Where will you display them? Will you have your own gallery or not? Will you create your own line of drawing or painting brushes or palettes? Learn to dream big!

Dreaming big is not being proud, it’s being truthful to yourself and what God has shown you about what your future holds.

“The Lord asked me, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” I answered, “A branch of an almond tree.” “You are right,” the Lord said, “and I am watching to see that my words come true.” Jer. 1:11-12 GNB.

Just like the Lord spoke to Jeremiah, He is also speaking to you. He has given you images, pictures, visions of what He has deposited in you and wants you to do. Be like the prophet Jeremiah and see what God is showing you.

Dream big! Dream the big dreams God has put in you. Don’t think otherwise. He is watching to see if you are following the dreams He has put in you.

May the eyes of your understanding be opened and may you see with the eyes of the Lord, Amen.


God, help me to see what You are showing me. Give me the grace to dream big. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action plan:

Begin to write down the ideas you have about your dreams. Writing them helps you to keep in touch with your dreams.

Read yesterday’s article here


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