Reading Time: 2 minutes

What’s a dream? Not what happens when you close your eyes and sleep at night. This type of dream is what you hope to become when you grow older. It’s what you imagine yourself to be. Maybe an athlete, drummer, doctor, teacher, software programmer, or developer. It’s the professional you want to become.

The first step towards dreaming big about what you hope to become in the future is discovering what you want to become in the future. No one becomes anything without first seeing themselves becoming that. It’s what you choose to become – what you have a passion for that you will become. That’s your dream.

How do you discover this passion? Look around you, what do you like to do? If you like to draw and paint, that could mean a future in art is your profession. Do you like taking care of animals –  it could mean you have a calling as a veterinary doctor. Think about what you like to do the most. That is how you will discover your passion. That could then become your dream.

You can also ask the people around you like your parents, friends or siblings. Or even speak to a guidance counselor about this. They can point you in the direction to go.

The best way is still to pray about it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you choose well. Ask Him to help you dream.

“You are my God; teach me to do your will. Be good to me, and guide me on a safe path.” Psalms 143: 10 GNB.

Through His guidance, you will discover what He wants you to do.

May the Holy Spirit guide you towards your purpose, In Jesus, name. Amen.


Sweet Holy Spirit, show me what you want me to do. Help me to have the right dream. Show me how to fulfill my purpose through my passion. Amen.

Action plan:

Ask people for help in this area and pray also.

Read yesterday’s article here


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