Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tomorrow is Valentine’s day. There are so many stories about who valentine actually was. Here is one of the prominent stories.

He was a Roman priest during the 3rd century A.D. when Emperor Claudius II was the king at the time. He decided to ban marriage, because of the notion that unmarried soldiers fought better than married soldiers. Valentine secretly officiated marriages.

He was eventually found out arrested and imprisoned. He was then beheaded and he became a martyr by the Church because he gave up his life to perform the institution of marriage.

By the 5th Century, Pope Gelasius declared 14th of February to be Valentine’s day!

Well, Valentine’s day is no longer a sacred day as it were! In the lives of some ladies, that day would probably be saddest days of their lives.

To some others, it would be the day they would be introduced into the world of sexual compromise!

A lot more have penciled the day as the day they would desecrate the one they profess they love.

It is not so much of celebration of love again but a celebration of iniquity, a validation of Jeru trip and a total affront on the injunctions of God in the areas of marriage!

Here are few things to note:

1. Be extremely careful. Sin is glorified in a day like this and it is democratized.

2. Do not go to places where you are not supposed to go to because you want to celebrate Valentine. Watch your legs.

3. Do not go to nightclubs and do not stay with him or her alone! You already know what they do in night clubs. It’s not prayer vigil!

4. If you are alone, the mood in the air might set your already fired up emotions and push you into the dangerous terrain of sexual adventures.

5. Don’t allow gifts, chocolates, ice cream and things like that to buy your resolve. A virtuous woman cannot be bought because the scripture says her price is far above rubies.

6. Do not make the mistake of passing the night with the one you are not married to. If you try it, something you will regret later might happen. It’s as sure as you see your palms that something will happen.

7. Don’t take alcohol. Things happen when you get tipsy. Don’t take drinks from strangers or somebody you met two hours ago in the name of Valentine.

Alcohol is for people who are dying, for those who are in misery. – Pro 31:6 (GNB)

8. Don’t allow him or her to talk you into sexual compromise and disobedience saying, it’s just one day! The devil doesn’t need more than one day to rupture your destiny! That will not be your portion!

9. There are things you do for seven minutes and you regret for seven years. There are people you kiss for a second and your destiny is crucified. There are strange hands you allow in your blouse or skirt and your life is messed up! Be careful!

10. All in all, stay on the God side and you will be good!

I will not be distracted on Valentine’s day

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding.

Eph 1:18 [GW] Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God’s people will inherit.

Celebrate Valentine’s day well

Eph 1


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