The Power of Incremental Progress
Yea, we often want things to work ‘sharp, sharp’.
We are used to instant victory. Indomie noddles kind of thing.
Even in natural things, nothing just happens. There are no instant millionaires.
In a weight loss programme, it’s easier to gain weight than it is to lose it.
You gain more calories by eating cakes, pastries, and ice cream. You will have to work out for hours and days to lose what you have gained.
My point is, you cannot have an instant weight loss or anything for that matter.
In the same way, we cannot expect instant victory over where we have been defeated before. It takes time and effort.
The Power of Incremental Progress
Some of us have been used to a certain way of thinking and doing things (in a negative way).
We have learned certain bad habits that are not making our marriage work out.
We shout, lie, are selfish and self-centered, we are bossy, we nag, we are lazy, we are insincere, we are not trustworthy, we unnecessarily keep quiet and withdraw, and the list goes on.
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It took you years to get to that point and then you are expecting an instant change.
Deu 7:22
And the Lord your God will clear out those nations before you, little by little; you may not consume them quickly, lest the beasts of the field increase among you.
Deu 7:23
But the Lord your God will give them over to you and will confuse them with a mighty panic until they are destroyed.
The Power of Incremental Progress
This is God talking to us. He says your victory will come ‘little by little’.
I feel this little-by-little victory causes us to be sober and keeps us coming to God holding on to Him and looking up to Him for His Mercy.
I believe ‘ the beast of the field’ among us is PRIDE.
Where we feel, ‘ Yes, I can press the button, and …the victory comes.
Remember it took Jesus, dying on the cross to give us this victory. It was a great price.
So don’t get discouraged on your journey to making your marriage beautiful.
Pro 23:18
For surely there is a latter end [a future and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off.
God has promised you victory. He has promised that your expectations will not be cut off.
That marriage will be blissful.
That husband will love you.
That wife will be supportive and submissive.
Those children will be obedient and together as a family you will enjoy prosperity. You will move forward. You will increase.
That contract will come through.
God bless your marriage.
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It will be a great honour to have you in our Services.
Location: Joke Plaza, Beside Trans Amusement Park, Bodija – UI Road, Ibadan