What Couples Know That Singles Don’t. Most singles anticipate marriage so much they fail to take time to adequately prepare themselves for the challenges ahead. The wrong mindset before entering into marriage and not correcting such mindset will lead to serious issues in marriage. It’s like when you want to enter a university. That feeling of, ‘yes, at last, now I am on my own, no more school uniforms, no more plaiting of the hair, no more principal, no more caging by teachers and parents, no more …. and the list goes on and on.
Really it’s a good feeling and a good place to be but there are also challenges. Rigors of day-to-day activities, missing the pleasures of home and the comfort of parents. There are also a lot of risks.
However, those that were well prepared and guided with a good mindset and remain responsible while in the university have great testimonies despite the challenges.
This morning I would like to encourage and prepare the hearts of our singles about marriage. What Couples Know That Singles Don’t
1. Marriage is hard work
A lazy person spiritually, emotionally, financially, and physically may not be able to endure the rigors of marriage. As a lady, there is hard work in keeping your home, children, in-laws, and husband. Hard work in balancing personal life, with career, ministry, home, family, and husband. You become the managing director of the home and personal adviser to your kids and family on all affairs. As a mother you become everything from the cook, to the nurse to the children’s teacher, to the driver, in short, you become super and spider woman together.
As a guy, hard work in being the spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional head of your family. Providing money is hard work. Ensuring you are a good leader and worthy example is also hard work.
What Couples Know That Singles Don’t
2. Marriage is not just about feeling
Marriage is about commitment and a decision to stick to a person you choose to live with till death do you part. Love includes feelings and feelings can be fickle. Situations affect our feelings. In marriage, you will not always feel loved nor will you feel like loving your spouse all the time. You will hurt and you will feel hurt.
3. Marriage is a lot of forgiveness.
You need to start taking confessions now about being prompt to forgive. Jesus said we should forgive 70 multiplied by 70 times in a day. That’s such a high standard to follow, which we must meet up to.
4. Marriage is about the ability to stick it out through thick and thin.
In marriage, we start from the lower rung of the ladder and keep going up. However, for some, the bottom of the ladder is really, really low. Whatever the bottom of the ladder is, we climb up. Remember, nobody climbs a ladder from the top.
What Couples Know That Singles Don’t
5. Marriage is first spiritual before it is physical
It’s a terrible mistake to think your marriage is just physical. Remember, the source of a thing is the sustenance thereof. Marriage came from God so it takes God to sustain it. There are spiritual principles that sustain marriage if you will make a success of it. A lot of prayers, confessions, and spiritual warfare needs to be done. A lot of spiritual covering by mentors.
6. Marriage requires a lot of wisdom
Wisdom is the principal thing, in all your getting, get understanding. As you are getting married, you also have to get wisdom. Wisdom is the engine of any successful marriage. Wisdom in knowing what to say, how, when, and why. Wisdom is knowing how to react. How to get what you what and not hurt your spouse.
What Couples Know That Singles Don’t
7. Marriage is balancing, the spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects together.
All these three chambers of marriage have to be satisfied. There must be sexual satisfaction or fulfillment, emotional fulfillment, and physical and spiritual fulfillment. Maintaining this balance is not always easy but it must be achieved.