Reading Time: 2 minutes

Praying is a type of spiritual exercise. As you pray, you are exercising your spiritual muscles, strengthening them. You are building them up. As you build your prayer life with prayer, you also build your body with physical exercises. It’s one way of keeping your body fit and trim.

Keeping fit gives you a pleasant appearance, your clothes seat well on your body and your self-esteem grows. You just love the way you look. This feeling adds to your mental health and you can’t help but be happy.

God loves it when you are happy. Your happiness is worship to Him. And when you are happy, your praise to Him comes not only from your lips but from your whole heart and soul.

Remember, your body is not your own. It was given as a gift. All gifts are meant to be treasured, kept well and used accordingly. 

You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. You do not own yourselves. -1 Cor. 6:19 ICB

Exercise to keep your body fit as a way of honouring God with your body. Do not do it to please anyone at school or to join any group. Don’t do it out of peer pressure.

If you don’t need to exercise because of health challenges, then don’t do it. God understands and still loves you. There are other ways to keep your body holy for Him.

May the Lord give you the ability to keep fit always. Amen.

Action plan:
Start small and don’t rush it. Gradually increase the routine as you keep up. Engage the help of someone as well.

Lord, help me to keep my body for you.

I will keep my body for God.

Read yesterday’s article here


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