One Way To Fast Track Your Marital Journey

One Way To Fast Track Your Marital Journey

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A couple of years back, a certain lady called me. Let’s call her Sister Sube.

She started by telling me how bitter she is against God, that God has refused to answer all her prayers. She said despite constant vigils, fasting, and prayers, God has turned a deaf ear to her. She told me how she was on the brink of giving up.

Sister Sube went further to tell me that she has been crying for days and that she is thinking of forgetting God and moving on. She told me that no serious man has approached her in the last few months.

Then she dropped the bomb!

She said, “Even this man that I am living in his house has refused to propose!”

“Living in his house?” I asked.

“Yes now, I thought if I move into his house, it will make things fast, but right now, he has only been sleeping with me.”

Then she concluded, “Pastor, I am tired.” I pray a lot, no answer. I am even just coming from a vigil right now.”

As ridiculous as this may sound, I am telling you a true story. And I am also sure there are many people who might have found themselves in this kind of predicament.

The reality is that you cannot violate a part of the scripture and then expect His promises to work for you.

Yes, some things happen by acts of mercy, but you get to a certain point, God commands everyone to repent.

That lady above is trying to mock God. Sadly, God cannot be mocked. Such a person ends up deceiving himself or herself.

There is no point attending vigils and going to the mountain every Friday and then continuing in sin. It is just a waste of time.

Let me give you some tips that can help.

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. – Romans 14:17 (KJV) 

You cannot gallivant your way to heaven. It requires a certain level of seriousness and discipline with your spiritual life. It requires some inconvenience.

There is always a price to pay. It is not in meat and drink alone. It is not in tripping her, taking her to cinemas alone, and buying her gifts.

Meat and drinks, fun, and frolicking around are never the passwords into God’s kingdom.

It is in righteousness which is right living. You cannot cheat your way into the Kingdom. You are either for Him or against Him.

May God grant you more understanding!

I refuse to mock God in any way

Lord, help me to live with your fear in mind

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. – Romans 14:17 (KJV) 

Decide to do it God’s way

Rom 14


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