Taking Care Of Your Parents
Reading Time: 2 minutesYou should learn to take care of your parents. Yes, your parents! The two people that certainly know how to drive you mad. Adults with a boatload of rules, commands, and restrictions. They tell you to clean your room, wash dishes, sweep floors, don’t watch TV, and then say it’s their house and their rules.
They were never teenagers, right? One day they just ballooned into adults straight from infancy. What do they know about being a teenager? They are not nice, right?
Relax. Your parents love you very much and want the best for you. That’s why they put up all the restrictions and laws. Sure, it drives you nuts, but it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s for your own good. So you should learn to care of your parents.
They want to build you into a person with a well-balanced personality, character, and mindset. Their actions help you steer off some life issues that could mar your chances of living a very productive and peaceful life.
So, the next time Mummy or daddy says to you “wash your clothes often”, know that it’s for your own good. They don’t want you to be a dirty person. When your clothes reek of sweat and are dirty, people will not want to associate with you and you could get teased or mocked at school by your mates. This could affect your self-esteem, making you withdraw from others. You see that? So you parents love you, and so you should take care of your parents.
Even the Bible encourages us to keep clean as it portrays the state of our hearts before God.
Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Wash and make yourselves clean. Isaiah 1:16 NIV.
Again the Bible tells you to obey and honor your parents that it might be well with you. This also translates to taking care of your parents.
Ephesians 6:2-3 GW “Honor your father and mother, that everything may go well for you, and you may have a long life on earth.” This is an important commandment with a promise.
God bless you well as you do so. Amen.
Almighty Father, help me to honor my parents by listening and obeying them. Help me to understand that all they do is for my own good. Amen.
Action Plan:
Take time to appreciate God for your parents and seek to understand them, and seek to take care of your parents.
My children are full of gratitude. They know and value us as their parents.
Read yesterday’s article here