My children are grateful. That should be your declaration every time, as a parent. As a child, you must learn to be grateful always.
Ps 6:5 (KJV) For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?
Many of us lack the culture of gratitude. We seem to believe our parents will always have it figured out. “They are parents anyway, they should. If they don’t, why did they bring me to the world?”
It doesn’t really work that way. When you grow up, you will realize adulthood is hard work.
The psalmist is asking us one question we always ignore. He asks if anyone could give thanks in the grave.
The answer is no one can. So why don’t you do all the thanksgiving now that you are here?
Look at the way the message bible puts it.
Ps 6:5 (MSG) I’m no good to you dead, am I? I can’t sing in your choir if I’m buried in some tomb!
We don’t have to wait till we have the ‘big’ things before learning the culture of thanksgiving. As little as a candy or biscuit, it should be received with thanksgiving.
This means as parents, we should imbibe in our children and make them understand once they do something. We have to teach our children that there is no remembrance in the grave, hence, the need to give God all they can now.
Ps 6:5 (CEV) If I die, I cannot praise you or even remember you.
Children, now that you have breath, use it to praise God.
No one is praying for death, but it is something that will happen to virtually everyone. The prayer is that we all live to good old ages before returning ‘home’
My children give God thanks. My children are grateful.
Lord, teach my children the art of thanksgiving. Also, help me to imbibe the culture of thanksgiving in them. Amen
Action Point:
List all those things you ought to be grateful about.
Read yesterday’s article here