A little deviation from our wisdom series this morning, I want to show us one way we can maintain our sanity in this present world.
The devil aims at filling our minds with negative things, that is why almost everywhere you look, there is one form of sad news or the other.
Social media, print media and other forms are equally not helping matters. One can almost begin to wonder why you were born in this generation.
The plan of the devil is to weary us till we become sick, tired, and even suicidal. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!
There is an age-long, profound, medicine found in the bible that I want to prescribe to you this morning. Whenever you feel down, depressed, sick, angry, unloved, or any negative feeling, just use this medication and I assure you, you will be fine.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. – Pro 17:22
God wants you quick, alive, and active. The devil wants you depressed, gloomy, and broken. The scripture tells us laughter is good. It is healthy. It has some curative powers.
Sometimes, just take off your gaze from the test you failed, the bully in school, the teacher that hardly smiles, the stress of the assembly ground, and just laugh out loud.
As a matter of fact, it has been proven that children are more prone to laughter than adults. Do you also know that God himself laughs?
In heaven the Lord laughs as he sits on his throne, making fun of the nations. – Ps 2:4 [CEV]
So what is your excuse? When last did you have a good laugh?
Go ahead and laugh over that situation because you have the victory already. Glory!
Father in Jesus name, always give me reasons to laugh.
Go ahead and laugh out loud
I choose to laugh always. I am not depressed, sad or gloomy. The joy of the Lord is my strength.