Reading Time: < 1 minute

This morning, I am here to tell you about the mercy of God. This is a very powerful concept that will change your life; great things happen by mercy.

Let’s look at the dictionary definition of the word mercy first.

The Oxford dictionary defines mercy as compassion or forgiveness shown towards an enemy or person in one’s power.

I am sure in one way or the other, you need the forgiveness of your parents and you definitely need the compassion of God.

The mercy of God is so vital that David literarily cried for it several times in the bible.

Withhold not Your tender mercy from me, O Lord; let Your loving-kindness and Your truth continually preserve me! – Psalm 40:11 AMP

What a prayer!

Go ahead and ask for the mercy of God this morning.

This mercy can correct years of mistakes and reset destinies. It can wipe generational issues away and set you on a new course.

Perhaps, you have noticed one or two things about your parents which you are not too comfortable with. Some may be their own doing, some not by their own doing.

You can use the mercy of God to align the future of your family into what you see in the scriptures.

As you go out on your day to day activity, pray that the mercies of God will continually preserve you.

Pray for God’s mercy over your lives, academics, and everything you lay your hands to do and as you pray, believe that your prayers are answered and it will be so.

Lord, let your mercies continually rest upon me in Jesus Name. Amen.

Action Plan:
Pray and confess God’s words always.

I am continually preserved by God’s mercies.

Read yesterday’s article here


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