You can worship God through songs. Lovely songs that come from deep within you. You release these songs to Him as much as the Holy Spirit impresses them on your heart. You sing songs that speak of His goodness, mercies, great deeds, and much more.
These songs don’t even have to be known ones that you have heard before. They could be new, just given to you by the Spirit of God because that is what God wants you to say to Him at that particular moment.
Sometimes, the Holy Spirit won’t even allow you to write them down. He just wants you to sing them at that moment for God. Wonder why He says He is jealous? He can be that jealous and wants only you to sing those songs or just a song for Him.
Singing to God is something David was known for. The bible is full of the Psalms He wrote to God as worship to the great and mighty God.
Be like David and let the Holy Spirit give you songs that God wants only you to sing to Him. Isn’t that a wonderful thing? God giving you a unique song to sing to Him just for Him only. Hallelujah!
God loves it when children sing for Him. Your sweet voice is what He wants to hear first thing in the morning, during the day and even at night before you sleep. He waits to hear your voice worship Him with songs.
May the Lord receive your worship. Amen.
Mighty God, I raise my voice in worship to you. Let my voice and song(s) be sweet to Your ears. May Your Spirit give me the words to sing to You only. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Action Point:
Find, rehearse and sing beautiful songs in worship of the God of the whole universe. Tell Him why You love Him. He is waiting to hear you sing.
I will sing praise unto God all day. I will not be an ingrate, complaining or grumbling.
Read yesterday’s article here
Wao. Thank you for the word. I receive grace to worship God.
My children will praise you always in Jesus name.