Reading Time: < 1 minute

The dictionary defines restitution as the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner. It can also mean recompense for injury or loss. Restitution can involve money being paid back in some cases.

Were there cases of restitution in the bible? Yes, and in the next few days, we will be looking at these cases one by one.

The first case we will be examining is the case of Mr. Zacchaeus

In the case of Zacchaeus, we see that his encounter with Jesus in Luke chapter 19 facilitated his restitution.

Luke 19:8 [TLB] Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “Sir, from now on I will give half my wealth to the poor, and if I find I have overcharged anyone on his taxes, I will penalize myself by giving him back four times as much!”

This means you cannot totally make restitutions without meeting with Jesus.

So my first assignment is to lead you to Jesus if you’ve not met him.

Say after me;

Lord Jesus, I believe you came to the earth and that you died for me. I confess and I acknowledge you as my Lord and personal savior. Come into my life today. Come and reign over my affairs. I surrender my all to you this day. Thank you because I am now yours, amen.

As simple as that, you are now one with Christ.

Now, your journey to making restitution begins. Amen


Lord, help me to make amends where necessary.

Action Point:
Are there areas you need to make restitution? List them out.

Jesus is Lord!

Read yesterday’s article here


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