Do you have a positive mindset? What do you say to yourself? The words you speak to or about yourself are very strong and important.
Do you say negative things about yourself? Do you bring yourself down in front of others?
The use of negative words like ” I am just not good with counting”, “I don’t have good legs”, ” My face is too ugly”, is a sign of negative self-esteem.
The bible says we are wonderfully and fearfully made in God’s image. That means you are made in God’s image. Made in the image of the Creator of the whole earth.
Why would you think you are ugly? Who told you so? Magazines? Slay queens? Public opinion? The mirror? Who? You?
Rather than look at all these external forces telling you what you are not, look towards the One who created you and start to see how He sees you.
Start using excellent and beautiful words on yourself. Raise your esteem with the word of God and walk in the light of those words.
God bless you. Amen
Lord, I thank You for how You made me. I am Your best creation. Your masterpiece.
Action plan:
Consciously use positive words on yourself daily. Affirm who you are in God and walk in that light.
My children speak well about themselves.
Read yesterday’s article here