Reading Time: 2 minutes

I believe we remember the story of blind Bartemeus in the Bible. His story illustrates how to get answers to your prayers.

What if the blind man had not asked what the surrounding ruckus was about?

What if he had just continued begging and minded his business?

Something in him must have stirred him up to ask what was happening. He probably had been nursing a desire to have his sight, and when he heard that Jesus was around, it aroused his expectation. Pay attention to this story so you can learn how to get answers to your prayers.

Quickly, he opened his mouth and screamed the most he had ever done in his life. He knew it was now or never.

He had to have heard of the acts of Jesus to have done what he did. Even when they tried to shut him up, he screamed the more. This was the day he had been waiting for, and nothing or no one would stop him from getting what he wanted.

This was the same Jesus that had been healing people, and someone wanted him to shut up. He gave it his all and never regretted doing so. That is how to get answers to your prayers.

Are you expecting to have what you are praying for? Are you listening to the voices telling you your prayers won’t be answered? Allowing people or circumstances to shut you up?

Be like that man and scream the more. Jesus is ready to command you to be brought before him. And when you get in front of Jesus, know what you want.

You will never regret calling on Jesus.

Lord, give me an expectant heart. Teach me to expect answers to my prayers. Amen.

Action point:
Visualize your prayers as answered. See yourself in the light of prayers answered.

I am expectant. My miracle will not pass me by.

Read yesterday’s article here


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