Reading Time: < 1 minute

The spirit of fear is one that can hold people in bondage, and stop them from succeeding. Appearances can look real but in actual fact are not. Your expectations are false and are looking real. How do you stop yourself from being overwhelmed with all the pressures of fear? Just take a moment to stop everything and just pray.

Praying helps you to get an understanding of what to do or not to do. Prayer is a tool to help you understand what is happening and how to deal with it. It helps you deal with the spirit of fear also.

The major thing is that you shouldn’t allow fear – any of your false expectations appearing real, to stop you from doing what you’re supposed to do.

God doesn’t want you to have any form of fear and even if you do, He asks you to release them all to Him. He can carry them all and has the solution to solving them. The spirit of fear should not torment you.

God bless you. Amen

Lord, thank you for helping me with my fears. I am grateful for all the ways you do so. Amen.

Action point:
Release everything to God.

I am no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God. The spirit of fear has left me.

Read yesterday’s article here


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