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Do you know you can be specific in the place of prayers? Yes, you can. Let’s take a look at the story of Ade. Ade mentioned his prayers to his mum as they drove home from school.

‘God should help me in my coming school examinations,’ Ade said. 

‘That’s an empty prayer request,’ she said. ‘Be specific about what grades you want in each subject’

Ade wondered why he should. God said His plans for us are good. God should know what grades to give him.

‘It is good to be specific in your prayer requests to God,’ she said further.

Mum is right. Imagine if the blind man in yesterday’s story (Luke 18:40-41) asked for blessings?

The question is, what exact blessing did he need right then? What was the most important thing he needed? To see. And how did Jesus reply? Jesus said, “Jesus said to him, Then see! You are healed because you believed.”

Being specific aids your expectations regarding your wants. You have a view of the expected results in your mind and expect nothing less.

So, stop saying vague prayers and tell God exactly what you want. The blind man got what he wanted.

At once the man was able to see,… – Luke 18:43 (ICB)

May God grant your prayer requests. Amen.

Lord Jesus, teach me how to be specific in my prayers, I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:
Ensure your prayers are specific. If you don’t know how to say them, pray in the Holy Ghost.

I am specific with my requests. I am intentional and deliberate.

Read yesterday’s article here


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