When the Perfect” Isn’t Perfect for You
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12 (NIV)
Have you ever been in a relationship where everything seems to be okay on the surface, but there is just this little voice inside you that says something is not right? Maybe you have been in it for so long, that everything is going smoothly, and you stopped questioning it.
Have you asked yourself; Is this the person God has for me? It’s so easy to get into the flow and move with it.
A biblical account that beautifully illustrated how God’s choice often defies human expectation was when Samuel thought Eliab was the perfect choice for a king because he had the look, the stature, and the presence. But God saw differently: “People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
This story reminds us that good is not always God’s best. Like Samuel, we must learn to trust God’s wisdom over our perceptions. Instead of making decisions based on what seems right, we should seek God’s guidance, knowing that His choice will always be greater than our expectations.
Life has a way of presenting us with this picture-perfect view of choices to make in life. Sometimes, in relationships, friendships, or even career paths, we meet people who often seem to be everything that we would have prayed for: kind, loving, responsible, and even God-fearing. But then, as time unfolds, we really get to find out that just because they are a good person does not make them the right person. The difference is found in the divine alignment.
A good person can have great qualities, but the right person is someone God has specifically aligned with your destiny. The right person won’t just make you happy, they will help you grow into the person God has called you to be (Jeremiah 29:11).
Sometimes, we get caught up in our own checklist of what we think we need, but God’s plan is always bigger and better than our expectations. A good person may be kind and loving, but if they’re not meant to walk your journey with you, they could slow you down instead of helping you move forward. Perhaps the clearest sign of all, while a good person may seem perfect on paper, the right person will bring a deep, unshakable peace in your spirit that only God can give (Colossians 3:15).
Good isn’t always God. Just because something looks perfect doesn’t mean it’s meant for you. What seems right in your eyes may not be what’s best for your future. Instead of chasing what looks good, seek what is God-ordained. Pray, listen, and trust His leading because His choice is always better than yours.
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