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COUPLES – Your Greatest Tool in Marriage

Marriage is the place where you will have to come to terms with the practicality of forgiveness. In other relationships, forgiveness is also essential but it may not be as that of marriage.

In marriage, you will have to forgive for the relationship to be healed. You and your spouse cannot avoid each other. You live together, have children together, for the sake of peace and progress, forgiveness is very necessary.

The standard of the Word of God is so high. That’s why it is a narrow road that leads to heaven.

The Bible does not mince words when we are told to love our enemies. Hmmm. I thought we should love our friends and well wishers and stay clear and avoid our enemies.

The bible tells us to love them, and bless those who curse us. That is pretty hard. A hard pill to swallow. I believe that is why we have to live in the spirit so we do not gratify the lust of the flesh.

We need Holy Ghost power. We cannot do it in our own natural strength.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; – Matthew 5:44 KJV

Our differences will most often act as threat to our marital union and our mandate as couples. It will pose a problem to our becoming one.

The natural man tends to be selfish and only one that is submitted to Christ and His word can love genuinely.

It is easier for women to hold on to hurts and have difficulty in forgiving. Women hurt deeply essentially because they are emotional being and because they analyse more.

Whichever way, let God be true and every man a liar. The standard of God’s word must be followed. A different gospel is not for men and another for women. We are to follow and obey the same word.

We should allow the Holy spirit to rightly discern the situation and analyse it for us.

God is not saying we should not be hurt, angry or need time to heal. We should do that and then get over it and move on.

That’s where power lies. That’s where victory begins. The Word says we should be angry but we are not permitted to sin.

We sin when we over analyse. There is a spirit way to analyse things that instead of being bitter, we become better.

When we allow bitterness, we open the door for other demons to enter our lives and afflict us. Disobedience opens the door for the enemy of our souls. We open the door for sicknesses, diseases, poverty, disfavor etc.

Joseph could have wasted his life being bitter. He could have lost years by being bitter. He could have lost opportunities. But he choose to enjoy where he was on his way to being better and to where God was taking him to.

Joseph saw his brothers who sold him into slavery and he analysed the situation well by the help of the Holy spirit.

He said what they meant for evil, God used it to preserve many lives. Can you allow that situation to become a tool in the hands of God?

I’m not saying it will be easy. That’s what taking up your cross daily and following God is about.

Couples, learn to give that situation to God. You are reviled, persecuted, unjustly treated, abused, afflicted, cheated etc. Surrender it to the Lord. Give it to Him.

Allow the Holy spirit to make you see what it really is. Until Joseph saw correctly, he could not forgive and forget.

Jesus was able to pass through the cross because he saw well. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross.

He could say father forgive them,for they know not what they are doing.

God is able to turn things around and make your mess a message that will liberate thousands.

Don’t fight your spouse, forgive and move on. Learn what you are to learn. Don’t be afraid of being misjudged or treated unfairly. Jesus was wrongly and falsely accused. He shut His mouth and didn’t answer back. It was tough, but at the end, He was justified and glorified

Ask the Lord to help you see well and He will come to your aid.

God bless your marriage


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