My God will save! There is this confidence the psalmist speaks with every now and then. Such confidence is what we can learn and emulate.
But I will call upon the Lord to save me-and he will.
Ps 55:16 (TLB)
Did you just see that confidence from the Psalmist? It’s amazing. And you too should have it. My God will save!
No matter how deep seated the trouble may be, just tell yourself all I need is about 10-15 minutes of prayers to God.
The psalmist said he will call upon God to save. He was so sure that God will not only hear, He will answer and do his bidding.
Another lesson here is that we should realize God answers prayers. My God will save. In another part of the scriptures, the psalmist said;
I pray to you, and you answer from your sacred hill.
Ps 3:4 (CEV)
What is that issue you have been trusting God for for months?
Is it about your school results?
Is it about your parents?
Is it about your friends or their families?
Call upon God for salvation and he will save. My God will save!
Your part is to pray, God’s part is to answer and He sure will!
Like someone once noted; if there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer.
Parents, lets encourage our children to always pray to God. They should be taught how to grow their faith by petitioning God from time to time as need arises.
Let’s not wait till they become teenagers before training them.
May God help us all. Amen
Lord, answer me as I call upon you.
Action plan:
Call upon God today. Let him know your heart desires.
God answers me when I call upon him.
Read yesterday’s article here