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Hello dear ones, I have another interesting topic to teach you today. Do you know you must be clean as little children?

I want you to pay close attention and listen with your heart.

There is a general saying that cleanliness is next to godliness.

Do you know what this means? It means that’s the kind of  lifestyle God wants us to live

What is Cleanliness? It means the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean.

What is Godliness? It is characterized by reverence and love for God and respect for the ethical teachings of scripture

In essence, you have to be conscious of the things that go into your heart and as little children, what happens outside your body.

What do I mean by the things that go into your hearts?

God is very particular about your heart. He wants you to be clean at heart, not just in your looks

You know that the bible says it’s from the abundance of your heart that your mouth speaks.

Things like;

Watching ungodly movies, or movies about your age ratings can dirty your heart

Listening to songs with vulgar lyrics

Keeping bad company

Speaking abusive words

And so on, can dirty your heart, and this certainly will not make you godly.

Instead, it puts you in a place where you are constantly living an ungodly life.

Let’s continue this topic tomorrow, be blessed.

Lord, help me to be clean at heart and in my body; Amen

Action point:
Decide to watch what goes into your mind.

I am clean inside and outside.

Read yesterday’s article here


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