Hello dear child, today I want to talk to you about the fear of God! When I say “Fear” I don’t mean being scared of God, rather what I mean is living in a consciousness that God exists and living our lives to honour and respect his words.
God is mighty, he created the whole universe, and can you imagine how great he is?
As his children, he has given us certain commandments to follow; now, having the fear of God is what makes you obey God’s commandments.
These commandments are all listed in the Bible, Love is the greatest of all!
A few of God’s commandments are:
Thou shall not lie!
Thou shall not steal!
What actually makes us keep this, asides from knowing your parents frown at it, is the fear of God!
The Bible places so much importance on the fear of God, such that, it calls it the beginning of wisdom!
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. –Proverbs 9: 10(KJV)
There you have it!
Do you want to be wise? If yes, then you have to fear God.
Do you also want a holy understanding? The secret is a life that fears God!
Let me show you another scripture,
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. –Ecclesiastics 12: 13 (KJV)
The bible says here that the whole duty of man is to fear God, and that is the conclusion of the whole matter. Today precious darlings make it a point of duty to fear God always. Be bless. Amen.
Father in Jesus name, help me to fear you at all times.
Obey the word of God always.
I am a child of God, a fear God, and obey his commandments all the time.
Read yesterday’s article here